Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

idk maybe
it could have also said gorta was a capitalist, in which case they would just kill nightingale

i feel like the host intervention really didn’t make that much of a difference statistically

Kyo here is always the reason why mafia wins if we do win

that would be ironic, because he was also the reason why town nearly won

I was mad at you at first for making me excited that you bled Leafia only for you to bleed me but now it was like the superior move

Anyway was a I good little mafia

i think we were objectively the worst but that’s probably because we’re new

i also got bussed so uhhh

I get the feeling newbies just get pointed at and told they’re being scummy regardless of alignment lol. And also, regardless of whether their readlists are right or wrong.

(I see the same thing happening in ToL when there are newbies, mainly cause lol bad logs)

in ToL i see the opposite where people are more like ‘pardon because newcomer’
god i hate that shit

sometimes I say that, but that’s because I got exed by D2 for an entire week when I was new lol.

like I’m generally ok with pardoning newcomers to give them one more night to write good logs, and exe after that if their logs haven’t improved

Each win is combination of factors to begin with.
One person won’t win a team game.

However I’m keeping my opinion that some of those factors shouldn’t exist.

And I’m keeping my opinion that hosting was very biased this game.

Error which benefited scum was not fixed.
Error which benefited town was fixed.
Host lied in town rolecards and then laughed from it in dead chat.
And obviously… host modified feedback so scum had easier time.

… 4 things I know about, all 4 benefited scum in a way.

That wasn’t close to fair game.
And at this point it’s hurting both mafia and town.
Becouse mafia cannot even claim they won the moment when host is responsible for many of misslynches and deaths to begin with.

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What are you talking about eevee?

What did wazza do, I wasn’t here and I’m not bothered to read through the chat

Oh nvm

Rats role

Wazza changed the order this was in because he made a mistake when he first wrote this

so rat didn’t receive it in this order

hmm wait a sec, didn’t rat have the x amount of day abilities?


Rat was meant to get greencheck of someone last night, Wazza edited it out so he gets “There is anticlaim in game” instead, to “Help mafia, due to them playing marvelously”.

TBE also died due to moderror. Which would mean one more alive townie rn.

As per lies of host, I asked them if flavor solving is allowed in this game, and got this as an answer:

Meanwhile in dead chat:

Let’s be honest.

Wazza was misleading people.
Wazza killed townies who shouldn’t die.
Wazza mixed the feedback so mafia has more chance.

And that’s not only me who was affected by this.

That post is still a thing.
Demotivating and annoying Rat out of playing AS WELL as removing one confirmed town from play, just to give scum a chance.

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I’m actually more annoyed at Wazza lying in my rolecard and meming about it in dead chat.

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