Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

it wasn’t in this chat; it was in the original dead chat thread and he said he accidentally wrote 30 to the power of day instead of times day, and that he was sort of hoping Eevee wouldn’t notice the error but if he did, he’d have to let Eevee shoot anyway because it was Wazza’s fault and not Eevee’s.

I did mention it to him BEFORE making first shot, yes.

He only started talking it’s wrong AFTER first shot, yes.

for some reason I thought Wazza had said the [x] is a capitalist info was going to confirm Leafia, actually, but maybe I just imagined that.

That’s still setting up the info.

Why couldnt he just change the class card?

also why did none of the reviewers question it

that was his plan, but he was gonna force that info

this is from the OG dead chat btw

I’m just gonna say that I hope everyone would learn, so it doesn’t repeat again.

Now the real problem lies in whether or not Wazza can take criticism.


he also admitted in that chat that there were a lot of things that should have been changed in the setup, but it had been reviewed such a long time ago that it was too late to bother changing things.

for what it’s worth I think either correcting the card (so that it says 30*day) or leaving it as is were reasonable calls, but it’s important to be consistent (i.e. not try to change it after exactly one shot has gone through), and if you’re going to correct it you should correct it as soon as you notice the mistake

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Here you have post where Wazza tells that he is not gonna allow me to have random 2 vig shots past day 1.

Which as you can see by date, was posted AFTER first shot.

I mean he was aware of the error during D2, that’s when he was writing all of this in the other dead chat. But it looks like he only noticed because scumteam rolecopped Eevee and noticed the error, if I understood right.

My post day 1.

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so for that matter, yes, he should have left it as it was and not tried to change it because the scumteam had already seen it too, right? and you as well

He did leave it as it was only after Dat’s intervention.

I interpreted it as 30 per day when I read the card. It would be shocking if on D2 you could shoot anyone with less than 900 posts (min would be the only person on these forums who you can’t shoot.

should’ve been 100 post per day, but whatever.

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well, at the very least, Eevee, Dat and Arete are right in that Wazza shouldn’t have tried to change it after a shot was fired already. That’s on Wazza.

Wazza shouldn’t change Rat’s feedback either, or at least not becouse “Scum plaied marvelously, so I adjusted info to help them”.

And while I can see the flavor solving thing a miscommunication…

Not fixing me having scum flavor and thus forcing me to avoid claiming it at any cost was moderror which affected the game.

So yeah, from my PoV, this game was rigged to help scum.
And at least one of this things was confirmed by Wazza to be rigged to help scum.

Thus is weird cuz

Scum complained in scumchat because mafia had crap kp