Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

Unless he just wants it to end, idk.

i still feel like he wouldn’t
he takes his time with everything after all

That’s true lol. But he also thinks his gut reads are almost always right, and idk what his gut is going to tell him this time.

If his gutreads are accurate, then who cares

Keyword, if. His gut told him Trochi was scum and she wasn’t.

I’m pretty sure Gorta didn’t gutread rat

Hm, it was the result of Vulgard and Min confirming rat I guess. I didn’t see much else said about it, though.

You had gamer kp


Wagonbomber is broken but we couldn’t even use it

They have to kill their most powerful scum member for it.

I’m allowed to base a thing on other things than just FLAVOUR. Flavour relates to an alignment not to things such as neighbourhood chats.

But he was a valid target after the moderror that scum pointed out to me which you would’ve pointed out anyway. Genuinely you’re just probably one of the most annoying people I’ve met on these forums so I didn’t bother arguing about it since knowing you, you’ll throw a massive fit about it so no matter what I did in this situation you would’ve been pissed off by it so genuinely just fuck off. This isn’t your game, lots of the balancing things I went up with Geyde and then did it such as the rat changing things.

You were not forbidden. In fact it was the opposite, you were forbidden from talking about it PUBLICLY instead of DMing me privately like you should’ve done like a respectable human being.

Purely just trying to annoy me.

EXACTLY. Scum pointed it out to me and I couldn’t do anything during the game as per me asking Geyde. The only reason I changed the rat thing was based on the fact that it was basically gamebreaking and Geyde suggested it. You aren’t helping a certain thing here by complaining publicly towards a bunch of people that frankly don’t give a fucking jackshit about what you’re saying right now and just see you as some annoying petty child who won’t do anything apart from complain, complain and complain even more. I even apologized to Chili in her classcard because I felt bad about the whole thing.

Because constantly it was just you pestering the mods over and over again. No one gives a shit about this during the game. Bring up all problems in DMs DIRECTLY towards me. You complained about moderrors that WEREN’T moderrors such as a gunchecker finding you as shooting someone which A) You did have a valid target. B) The gunchecker was scum anyway.

Let’s say I brought it up to you being like “He has over 60 posts”. Your exact thing would be “It’s power to” and then you’d complain about that. Me, Geyde and Scum all said the exact same thing that no matter the choice I make there, you would complain and genuinely I don’t think YBW cared about dying there really.

Once again it still wasn’t me. It was Geyde’s full idea and am I not supposed to follow what the balancers say? I was just trying to justify Geyde’s idea in my head, not to mention my original plan was to literally give Rat the Capitalist confirm EARLY but Geyde said not to do that as it might break the game considering the whole thing. So genuinely this is just annoying me.

What is this even on about…? I didn’t try and fix this at all, I told you the error but purposely didn’t change it, I knew about the error since D2 because scum pointed it out to me and it was too late to change it since it was very clear that you probably knew about it.

No because if I did then Eevee would’ve complained more.

Because if I did that then that would’ve led to a HUGE world of Eevee complaints, worse than this.

This was changed during review, I just put the wrong symbol, very simple mistake to make.

That doesn’t see me saying “yo you can’t do that anymore” I was going to allow it anyway, I just said originally I wouldn’t allow that for no reason. That’s why it says intention.

That is a very clear misunderstanding and CRichard can prove that wrong and so can Geyde and Dat. Your role was never changed, that’s just my wording because I’m from fucking Britain you cunt.

I told you it.

It doesn’t say I wouldn’t allow it. Just because you fucking misread the thing I stated because I’m from a different dialect of the countries language that you learnt, doesn’t mean it’s my fault. Just because you couldn’t understand what I meant. I’m not gonna change shit like that, if I was I would’ve edited the rolecard.

Sorry for the huge fucking post but this is genuinely pissing me off.


  • The only things changed was an idea from Geyde which wasn’t even my original idea.
  • If I changed Eevee’s role back to it’s original, Eevee would’ve complained a shit ton about how it’s not how it was supposed to be.
  • Eevee misread what I said in his classcard (I don’t speak American which is the type of English he learnt so it makes perfect sense to me here).

tbh by that point the rc on the slot made me just roll with it

I didn’t like
agree with the cop check change
and if I did
then I don’t know why past me ever thought that was a good idea

you suggested it actually.

send that to me
l remember changing the claimvig message to nk message because I thought it was really funny and didn’t change anything

be respectful please

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Thanks arete
very cool!

you’re welcome Geyde :slight_smile:

I’m also pretty certain american and british english aren’t different at all.

In fact, the only difference is a few words.

Also this is getting complicated now that both parties are accusing each other of lying.

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yeah that’s the thing but I moved it up instead so that might have been a mistake on my part.