Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I’m trying to decide if I should out who I am at this point or later

Opinion Eevee?

Which would mean “E”, becouse your posts are eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh :^)

My guess was you were giving me an L tbh

I’m gonna claim role in this, brb.

Actually none of rules would be stopping me from it.

This is english and not a cypher.
Just extreamly inconvienient programming language.

From now on I will post only in programming languages :^)

And no, don’t out who you are nerd.

Noone will guess anyway, consdiering how long you didn’t play on this site. :^)


I mean, they’ve said y’all and ain’t



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Well if my only case is lack of contribution I can give you the Incomplete Profile

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I mean if that would satisfy your concerns.

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I’m not Trochi

are u like stalking the people in the thread irl too or something why do u keep using the word “profile”

min, honestly I doubt you know this person.

Like I can see some older forumers recognizing them, or off-site people, but I doubt you do.



I see


Player Profile: Mistyx

Nickname: Jitterbox
Read: Null Town
Observation Analysis:
Seems to be jittery.
Had an interesting interaction with TL.
Grammar Nazi. Corrected my spelling. Might be aligned with Nazi Germany.

Player Profile: Rat

Nickname: Pesty Memelord
Read: Town
Observation Analysis:
High Contribution
Likes to talk… A lot.
Jokes around, seems fun.

Player Profile: sculptordwarf

Nickname: Desperate Sheep
Read: Null
Observation Analysis:
Desires to Sheep and Lock a person as Town.

Player Profile: Ami

Nickname: Brazil Fangirl
Read: Null
Observation Analysis:
Nothing really relevant.
Guess they like Brazil

Player Profile: Centuries
Nickname: Crafty Critter
Read: Scum
Observation Analysis:
Seems very open with discussion.
Quite a Curious Critter.
Seems to have trouble making up their mind.
Thinks their early reads can actually solve the entire game or made a terrible joke.
Seems to wolf read more then necessary.

Player Profile: EliThePsycho

Nickname: Defensive Psycho
Read: Lean Scum
Observation Analysis:
Jokes around, but not as well as the Pest.
Takes priority on Defensive Posts.

Player Profile: Eevee
Nickname: Lost Poland
Read: Null
Observation Analysis:
Hard Claimed Poland
Talks about Lost Wolf in a way that could or could not be true.

Player Profile: Solic

Nickname: Generic Poster
Read: Null Scum
Observation Analysis:
Posts are Generic that lacks a lot of elaboration.

Player Profile: Min

Nickname: Million Fairy
Read: Town
Observation Analysis:
Town Leader Vibe
Jokes around
Interesting Interaction with Vulgard

Player Name: KyoDaz

Nickname: KyoCalls
Read: Scum
Observation Analysis:
His push on me is fake.
Although if they didn’t read my opening post my read on them will change quite a bit.
Calls Centuries out with no other intention


Alright fair enough ill stop sussing you now i guess

that is indeed some profiling, thanks for sharing

“incomplete full profiles” though lol

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and yes, I meant that’s helpful

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Now after I relax and chow down a bit I’ll start getting the other half done.


Majora’s post is 100% not enough btw

Actually that post made me go from “null whatever” to “actually im fine with this gone”