Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

dota more likely town.
Eli not sure.

Really? Because I kinda thought the way they acted around Cent’s push was somewhat typical for town them. (even if she kinda not been around recently).

Or it’s not about that?

You played with them before, right?

Yes, I have done but it has been a while.
So it is a more likely town than that but not fully sure at this time.

Need to rejog my memories and consider context

You might want to look at what I wrote about them and tell me your thoughts.
Because I felt different about them.

can we talk about arctic for a second?

i find it curious that arctic is interested in lost wolves early
but anyway

the early posts are not really ai

the curious thing is that arctic hadn’t even tried to do that before they wrote this post, so this is an obvious hypocrisy
i think mafia would be more self-aware about it and voice a few reads before saying such a thing, so this looks >rand v

weird cognitive dissonance
says that he sees no harm in solving early, but also finds it questionable that people are judging commitment
so are people supposed to solve or not? or maybe i’m misreading this

some more shitposting
some more talking about his Principles Of Playing The Game
“people must read early”
then why isn’t he reading early
he had absolutely 0 problems reading early in his last towngame which has just finished
why not here?

he even expresses guilty feelings about it, but does nothing. is this a frozen wolf or what

all of a sudden he now thinks that d1 reads don’t really have much value, but encourages people to make them anyway… but also thinks they have weight, just that they do not have much weight…

so his thought process went “i will shitpost” -> “reading d1 is good” -> “d1 reads are not super important but they are important” -> “i will shitpost a bit more” -> “i feel guilty about not having d1 reads” -> “but d1 reads are not super important anyway”

so as the game progresses and he realizes that he hasn’t been doing anything, his thought process slowly shifts from “d1 reads good” to “d1 not that important after all” once he realizes that people will judge him by his lack of content and hoist him by his own petard

that sounds awfully convenient and looks like an attempt to maintain thread position without providing actual content. hidden self-awareness.

gigantic excuse and copout while also shifting responsibility to other players (most of whom are villagers).

dislike the lack of confidence and questionmarks.
also this is pure hedge. youbutworse is based and not based (town and mafia).
pick one. or just say you don’t have a read. this looks forced.

that’s literally what he’s been doing too.
more hypocrisy. i find the lack of self-awareness towny but it’s also self-contradictory to some extent. not sure about this one, chief.

more talking about the philosophy of playing the game instead of actually playing the game.
he wasn’t like this in his last towngame. he attacked people verbally like he was swinging a blade.

by the time day 1 ended, he had mastered the blade art of accusation.
in here all of his reads have been weak and hedgy, and he takes every excuse to prevent himself from making reads

he then proceeds to talk about a previous game and about pokemon, both of which are not related to the current game whatsoever

i’m honestly kinda iffy on windward for this reason, particularly because windward should’ve noticed arctic’s differences from last game and pushed him harder, but hasn’t done that. she did agree with my concerns when i initially voiced them, but outside of that, she hasn’t done her own work to read him (or at least i didn’t see her do the work). makes me a little suspicious because arctic’s iso is… yes

even more talking about philosophy of playing the game
still little to no alignment reads

he also hasn’t voted once which is utterly criminal considering his aggressive playstyle in the last game he played here

conclusion: literally why is this getting any townreads. the towniest thing in this entire iso is that arctic’s been hypocritical and not self-aware about it, which could potentially point to him being town who’s just not very coherent. but there is also extremely wolfy stuff like hedging, refusal to actually play the game, consistently steering the conversation off-topic, asking questions and voicing complaints instead of making alignment reads, and not voting anyone despite having proven himself to be a capable and aggressive town player in his last game. the last point is by far the biggest slight against him and the biggest indicator of him being mafia here.

the lack of commentary on any of the top wagons so far, including majora, is also a problem.

i still feel very confident about majora, so i will probably stay there for the time being, but i’m also confident arctic’s a wolf, and windward not noticing all these differences surprises me a lot, considering they’ve just been town together. it’s not enough for me to flip my read on windward, but it makes me think a little bit.

anyway, please wagon arctic and do it now.


I just picked out like 7 christmas gifts
I’m so proud of myself
5 of them are books

Looking through Solic’s ISO, I actually find myself giving them a light townlean
Definitely not wanting to vote here

actually i’ll help make this happen

/vote ArcticXI

choo choo.

The first half of Leafia’s (admittedly, modest) ISO is pretty bad, but the second half feels better, and I can definitely see merit in the idea that they were simply taking the beginning of the game easy
Not voting here, either, although I do want them to come back once they wake up.

also stop giving people townreads for no reason. i think arctic got like 3 townreads for no reason and there’s so much wolfy stuff in arctic’s iso i don’t understand why these townreads existed

This is good
I like this post headpat

I won’t do anything without skimming their ISO, but, noted

/vote ArcticXI @CRichard564 @Wazza just in case it’s not noticed

Accused Voters Count
Majora KyoDaz, Leafia, min, EliThePsycho, Centuries 5/13
clonedcheese TrustworthyLiberal, sculptordwarf, dota 3/13
ElithePsycho Mistyx, Light 2/13
Leafia Solic 1/13
sculptordwarf rat 1/13
dota astand 1/13
ArcticXI Vulgard 1/13
No Elimination clonedcheese 1/13
Not voted Ami, AtNoName, PKR, WindwardAway, ArcticXI, Majora, an_gorta_pratai, Eevee, YouButWorse 9

solic isn’t dying today
i actually have some doubts about him because i think he gave a bit too many excuses for not being really present today or whatever
but tonally he seemed acceptable so w/e

why is almost half the game not voting

People that feel weird™:

Majora (but lol!alt)
WindwardAway to a degree
Eevee (but lol!Eevee)

Because we’ve got like 10 players under 50 posts

by the way i also fully endorse the eli wagon
so if the nonvoters don’t know where to vote, go majora/arctic/eli


I was about to ask where this came from
But you actually have progression here looking through your ISO
You are slightly less weirdchamp