Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Ok I’m kinda worried

Wait I gtg I’ll brb

About what?

Kyo flavor

Kyo is claiming to be a vig of some sort and is claiming to be a flavor that was neutral in the Cold War

I’m gonna look thru kyo iso and see if that calms me

But the point of light makes sense

It’s just the uk is a big boy country (or group of countries idk)

I just searched it up and the UK was apparently against communists:

Also it’s not what actually happened it’s the hosts PoV, which is clearly ? because Light is claiming a flavor that didn’t participate in the cold war

And I’d have a fake claim if I was the United Kingdom as a neutral

@Vulgard I have unlimited use of my abilities and are we sure rat is clear?

Why is everyone clear?

rat is clear because Vulgard found them as not able to kill
Min is clear because they claim they can only be Town if Light is Town
Light is clear because min clears them
eevee is clear because they vig’d
Leafia is a mason
Vulgard is clear because he’s bled and will die overnight anyway

Technically min could be mafia with Light town
and Light could be mafia with min mafia

2 Charges sorry was in Cyberpunk

You’re claiming to regain charges if you’re roleblocked?
I call bullshit.

You can call it all you want but its true

Leafia is mason? With who?

That was a very interesting jump
How did you get there

sculptor who is dead.
I’m asking the hosts about ability recharges.

Because literally no setup does that.
It reveals if you’ve been roleblocked and confirms a roleblocker’s existance.

How did you instantly go “Roleblocking gives you an extra charge” instead of "You mean 3?’

It was confirmed to me that I received no results anyway Kyom

Didn’t sculptor say they were mason with eevee at one point?

You get to know as an invest that RBers exist as you receive no results.

Its not rocket science.