Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Also what tf is diplomatic immunity

A wonderful gift bestowed by me that grants you immunity to my desperado shots and votes. In return, I control your vote.
… Actually
@rat, am I not supposed to be like, yelling at you to do things? Make a case on why I shouldn’t be killed today.

And @min I’m exercising diplomatic immunity powers to shift your vote off of me permenantly for today.

4 specific non town left

well my identity is out and as such i’ve been kinda busy doing Other Things tm i don’t know if i can talk about
i can promise more activity tonight because i do know i’ve been slackin lately

I forgot who you are

i’m trochi (sadly)

Oh you’re Trochi
Well Trochi I’m going to utilise diplomatic immunity powers and shift your vote onto TrustworthyLiberal for the time being

You can change it whenever you want but not to me

i will consider this

but i have a question for all of you: is there anyone who has a day ability? if so i need you to out it because my numbers aren’t matching up

Scum dayvig hasn’t flipped

i’m saying other than the scum dayvig

I took a nap and decided I won’t leave. It’s probably because i have an obsession with fm and a fear of missing out, but sure. Also, @eevee I’ll apologize to you here for reasons and we’ll leave it at that.

I feel like TL very well could be mafia, but why vote tl instead? Also, I do not have a day ability (what a surprise)

Kyo, you are bribing me with not reading me? Why

Actually, this isn’t terrible. Plus, it’s the moral thing to do. You all agreed to diplomatic immunity, no? We might as well win the right way.

We shift off Kyo for today. Kyo kills someone tonight. If they shoot town and they’re not dead, they’re outed as not desparado. So, their only hope really is to kill mafia even if they’re NK.

You may ask, “Light, are you really potentially throwing because of morals?”

Yes. Win the right way or lose. Those are my choices.

No I’ve read you as Town the entire game I just think it’d be honorable to uphold your part of the deal we made

Precisely. If I’m NK and you all agreed to this you fucked yourselves over as far as I’m concerned. I’m not the NK, but that’s how it is anyway.

u can’t kill me

kyo if we vote tl and you kill me tonight you are neutral killer

you’re the gingerbread person?

Actually I’ll just hide behind you ez