Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Everyone wanna take a vow to stop?


Iā€™ll be back when we get the extension to actually make sense of this sh**


Yall I am so sorry I got busy


I will be doing a vc now and Iā€™ll decide from there whether or not the game is fair if I continue or unfair if I donā€™t


By continue I mean continue the day for a bit longer


Whatā€™s the votecount at right now?

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Accused Voters Count
Majora Leafia, EliThePsycho, Centuries, Solic, ArctixXI, YoubutWorse 6/13
TrustworthyLiberal an_gorta, YoubutWorse, KyoDaz, astand 4/13
clonedcheese TrustworthyLiberal, sculptordwarf, dota 3/13
ElithePsycho Light, WindwardAway, Mistyx 3/13
ArcticXI Vulgard 1/13
Vulgard Eevee 1/13
No Elimination clonedcheese 1/13
Not voted Ami, AtNoName, PKR, Majora 4

The game has been extended to 2020-12-03T20:30:00Z to make up for the inconvenience of no Vote Count despite having one promised. This is my bad. Also ping me for any Vote Count mistakes.



/vote Eli
@Wazza @CRichard564

I was voting TL, and pretty sure pinged you too.

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Also the extention is only 15 minutes because I donā€™t want to extend it by too long.

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Thanks Wazza and I like that votecount.

i hate the fact 3 people voted at once after i did

Arcticā€™s vote on TL was absolutely horrible and without any prior notice

I have no vote apparently thatā€™s pretty ā€œpogā€ as they say

Arctic kinda has sucky votes

i didnā€™t vote TL
i voted majora and this was my number 1 scumread

I meant Majora

if you think itā€™s out of nowhere then you arenā€™t paying attention

majora and sculpt are my top two scumreads

ok Iā€™m back to see this, whats going on?

Am I the only one who like doesnt like majora being the yeet today