Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Dont speak unless u a host

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Day will begin shortly. Everything is being sent out.

Keep in mind if you did not receive feedback then you slept peacefully, if you believe you shouldā€™ve then ping me.

ElithePsycho, Solic and Mistyx were all eliminated last night.

ElithePsycho was France

While the Second World War wasnā€™t exactly in your favour, you managed to recapture Alsace-Lorraine from the Germans and you also got a nice piece of West Germany under your control. But the rise of Communists was working against you. You had rebels and riots in your own country meaning you couldnā€™t exactly help, but the most you could do was send supplies.

Each night you may send supplies to a player. You must use each supply in order.

Your goal is to defeat Communism and any other nations that stand to harm Capitalism.

Solic was Japan

While you had lost your old empire, you were occupied by the United States and partly by the British before they retreated. You were fully Capitalist and to be honest, you were fine with it. There wasnā€™t any hate between the two countries and you had began rebuilding your cities anyway. It was time to be friendsā€¦And not to mention your neighbours near by you with their ambitions to turn you Communist or even take over you entirely.

Each night you may select a player, you will protect them, if they are attacked you will die bypassing everything and attack their attacker.

Your goal is to defeat Communism and any other nations that stand to harm Capitalism.

Mistyx was the United States of America

As Communism raged on after the end of the second world war. You felt a burden on your back. You had a feeling this would be easy to take down the Soviet Union, but you didnā€™t realise how powerful they actually were. You made allies and formed NATO in an attempt to stop the Soviet Union from gaining more powerful. As the Eastern Bloc was formed, the Marshal Plan had begun. But perhaps, it was far too late.

Passive - Each night you donā€™t take an action, you will be death immune.
Day - Twice per game, your target player will be funded tonight making their action guaranteed to succeed.
Night - Prevent negatives effects from harming a player tonight not including death.
Night - Twice per game, you may select a player and attack them.

Your goal is to defeat Communism and any other nations that stand to harm Capitalism.

Day 2 has started and will end in 48 hours on 2020-12-06T21:00:00Z or when someone is eliminated earlier by majority vote.

No really


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I was RBā€™ed last night in a match of LoL can talk after

I really hope there just happened to be 3 kills and not the us and japan getting eachother killed

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I really think its just

both visited tl tbh

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probably. Suprised Eli died though.

He was the CW to a flipped townie with great contention. Of course he died.

i probably wonā€™t be able to post as much today as i did yesterday because classes, but iā€™ll do my best to be there.
i think the most important takeaway is that yesterdayā€™s wagons did not matter. maybe with the exception of cloned, but the top two wagons definitely didnā€™t matter.
iā€™m hoping solic wasnā€™t a vig shot because then it wouldā€™ve been a bad vig shot

no please not marshal

Also, Seth got Canada, Mist got America, and Conroy got Franceā€¦

V/V wagons suck


Wait Iā€™m fucking blind

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iā€™m assuming wolves split their votes, but thatā€™s almost useless, since we had like 3 competing wagons and 18 votes between them

iā€™ll go on a tmi hunt regarding last eod because knowing eli is town is somewhat useful for that

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Conroy youā€™re dead now and you flipped France stop talking


scumkill is Eli or Mist

I think itā€™s likelier to be Eli