Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

no. voting because of a vote/post ratio,

Tbh Iā€™m gonna ignore that question, as it brings nothing.

I disspeared cuz I have hw to do and I forgot to come check back

Hello my ticket to victory :^)

I chosen to sheep you, so if you chose to sheep someone, that someone has 3 votes :^)

  1. Is this game role madness? lol
  2. so far everyone I did an ISO on except for Arctic died and Iā€™m kind of annoyed now because it didnā€™t save me from doing any ISOs later. (Majora, Mistyx, Eli)

His slot died because a few of us agreed weā€™d rather look at it today instead

I think one scum was on Majora at least. Majora was being pushed pretty easily due to lack of town contribution until he softed PR and then a few of us decided to leave him alone and go for Eli instead. Both of them looked like good scum wagons by EoD, and I think since people were more for letting Majora live versus Eli, more scum would have voted for Eli by the end.

I voted Eli because I didnā€™t think his town PR claim matched up with anything else heā€™d said during the day tbh.

Oh, so you have no results from the night?

But it was literally EoD by then (and technically past when EoD should have been), and her vote didnā€™t even count because the day ended. If she was going to seriously vote Eli, wouldnā€™t she have done it before the hour was up instead of the end of the extra half hour? Or am I just overanalyzing?

Anyway I need to reevaluate a lot of people and resume ISOing :ā€™) not sure how much Iā€™ll get done tonight because I have plans, but Iā€™m likely gonna post the bulk of my reevals tomorrow.

Do you have anything saved from the ISOs

if you ISO me youā€™ll see the ones I did

or were you asking if I still trust my own ISOs? I thought Majora was scum and Eli was neut so that wasnā€™t very good reading on my part

they were also pre-PR claims

Weā€™re they ISOs you did yesterday?

(I thought you meant you did them overnight)

ahh yeah I meant yesterday. I didnā€™t do any ISOs overnight this time because I wasnā€™t sure who would die and I wanted to wait and see who flipped.

just realized that was a very weird statement :confused:

but I meant Iā€™d have more material to work with after the night kills partly because of the flips and partly because of all the speculation over the kills, the roles, and the mechanics. Iā€™m gonna read the EoD jumble again and then start ISOing.

Wind, please donā€™t out you are PR randomly.


Why is it every time I say I want to wait and see what happens, people assume Iā€™m claiming PR? Iā€™m not claiming PR. Iā€™m actually saying it because I feel like I donā€™t have as much info to work with on D1 besides tonereads (other than all the last-minute PR claims) and my tonereads are absolute shit.

I meant the part where you asked if itā€™s role madness.

Vanilla wouldnā€™t be asking this, considering they know they are vanilla.

Oh, I was asking because idk what the chances are that 3 PRs die in a single night and only one of them had outed D1.

not to mention TL also claiming PR, so then weā€™re at 5 already because 4 are dead and 1 is still alive.

I guess my point is, 5 out of 24 is already close to 25% of the players and the chances of most of them dying before D2 didnā€™t really seem that high to me? But maybe I should just stop speculating on the weirdness of the setup.

Oh alright, that makes more sense

If they were last night I was worried you might be scum trying to say you did a thing but they died so it was useless to seem like ur working yk

Fwiw the rolemadness part I think itā€™s likely theirs at least a few villas :man_shrugging:t2:

i mean it was pretty obvious you softed PR when you did this last game especially with the reference to night actions