Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Basically the stuff going on with eevee rn

Time to hop off meme wagon
/vote gorta @Wazza

Placeholder for now, their wagon has two of my top TRs and the Vul/eevee made me just the right amount of antsy to not vote them

Hopefully Iā€™m back for EoD but I canā€™t promise it

And you donā€™t know why Eevee is getting voted?

to be fair I am a little lost there

Still undecided, but also still entirely willing to just kill Arctic here.

who do you tr on my wagon?

Centuries and astand
On that note @Arctic why exactly are you on gorta? Is it some type of selfpres, sheeping, or what?

I can kind of see Cents being a tr, but what about astand?

Accused Voters Count
ArcticXI AtNoName, sculptordwarf, eevee, Nightingale 4/10
an_gorta_pratai Centuries, ArcticXI, astand, rat 4/10
Centuries Light, Leafia 2/10
Eevee PKR, Vulgard 2/10
AtNoName clonedcheese 1/10
Nightingale KyoDaz 1/10
Not voting dota, YoubutWorse, an_gorta_pratai, TrustworthyLiberal, min 5

When I think of astand in this game for more than two seconds a wall of green overtakes my vision

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iā€™ve sent my reads on gorta both today and yesterday

I also want to say, just because people you townread are on said wagon that doesnā€™t mean their read is good

I chuckled

Thanks Arctic youā€™re pog

I said it wasnā€™t the best reasoning but itā€™s enough for a placeholder imo. Light asked me earlier GTH three people I was most confident were town and when two of them are on a wagon it makes me feel better about jumping on too

Gtg do things now, will hopefully be back soon depending on how much I half-a** it

Lost wolf lost wolf

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Like, Seth is usually easy to spot as town, but you never sheep his reads

I didnā€™t think of making that joke. Do I need to write a poem now?

anyway, I should work on reads


What does Seth has to do with current situation, Iā€™m confused.

I am making an example of why you donā€™t always sheep your trā€™s reads