Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Why do I feel like this post was directed towards only me

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would commenting on TLā€™s backreading suffice

You mean him leaving your wagon when two town became top wagon? And me a their as the possible CFD?

I think you are lacking what happened D1 reading your responses.

I mean, it does fit whole forum description, soā€¦ you could see it that way.
But it was in general directed to all players who are orginating from this site.
People here tend to ignore backreading after scum flips.

TL comes from other site, so he knows he should do this, thatā€™s why heā€¦ did that when asked.

And am usally the last one :laughing:
But was an excuse to take a break on other work

I just feel really lazy right now ok :sob:

I read back sometimes and should probably do it more, but I really just donā€™t feel like it rn as Iā€™m kinda tired, on my phone, and that shit is just time consuming

I kind of agree with the part about how Astandā€™s push on you looked like a way to go after LHF for a ML. I always feel a bit weird when people rely so much on the ā€œfrozenā€ read when a person just doesnā€™t post right away for a moment. Seems like a convenient way to shade someone when they just might be busy or they just arenā€™t the type of person who is easily talkative.

As for TL, from the excerpts he provided, it could look like Astand was trying to focus attention on them. But the fact that TL presented the evidence himself to clear himself is kind of concerning. And also declaring that it makes him lock town. Iā€™m okay with people responding to a scum read from someone else by finding some quotes to argue against it. But to just include a read on yourself and quotes among reads of others, and also to say it makes you town, just feels bad.


unless youā€™re implying Kyo is scum I see no evidence of ā€œpossible CFDā€

If people would post less, there would be less stuff to backread.
Which would in general imrpove gameplay on this site.

Yeah, posting too much is also bad.

Anyway, there is now ay you can remember everything of the game which last like 2 weeks, so at some points itā€™s important to backread.


Eventually Iā€™ll post like a normal human being.

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I mean Iā€™m not posting like I did in deus ex soā€¦improvement??

There are no normal humans on this site.


Iā€™m curious though, is it normally expected to backread to support yourself as town? I can definitely see how it is good to start looking at scum interactions to read everyone else. But seems a bit odd to go through and pick out stuff for a read on yourself.

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I really donā€™t care about TL doing read on themselves.

I mean, I asked them to dig this stuff up, so he did.
If he wanted to present himself in better light or not, thatā€™s object for psychoanalysis.

I would probably dig up some stuff which is beneficial for me too, but what would be different is motivation which is pushing me, probably ending in selecting and describing only certain posts.

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Okay I see

Why was Windward killed when he was pushing gorta who is spewed V from wagons?

Eevee, take your own advice and head to sleep.
Sheesh. Youā€™re just as bad.

If you want to analyze theirs psychology and understand theirs motivations, go ahead tbh.

First you need to understand TL and what type of player they are. What do they naturally work at? Mechanics? Reads? Do they go for simplest solution? Do they tend to be paranoid? Are they usually being objective or influence lists with own opinion?

Then you need to go through ISO of Astand, which they analyzed and try to see it through eyes of other player. If there are some obvious posts which player of theirs psychological profile shoud notice, but did notā€¦ thatā€™s a bad sign.

Either way, complicated thing to do.

Easier would be to do psychoanalysis of them and throught that look at theirs justification over posts they already selected.
At least you donā€™t need to iso 3rd person through the eyes of 2nd one.

Thatā€¦ has a lot of speculation to go through honestly.
Might be good to revisit.

This person was wrong in every aspect and they were vigged???