Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Wait why wouldn’t I grab posts that show me as town when I in addition have already claimed.

Even more so on a site where as Eevee said people have a habit to not backread.

Also foods pretty good will be able to got back to reading soon

I don’t think Windward’s vig was a scumvig

I don’t expect to be awake alive tbh, considering day vig.
So I might as well just do some mind games around.

Or just signal scum that I’m with them

So it’s safe to go to sleep?


You vigged Windward didn’t you eevee

i kinda wanna blow my brain out
someone lend me one that can actually write

low-effort VCA:

Colorful votes

Soft-clears consisting of Vulgard, gorta, and eevee have been marked in light green, the initial two cleared from wagonomics and the third cleared from masonry.

Dafuq does this mean
Day 1

The top wagons were V/V/V; votes were probably strewn around. However, for the purposes of not all getting incriminated, they probably split their votes.

Day 2

Gorta is nearly cleared for having three wolves pushing his exe, and Vulgard similarly for burying Arctic since D1.

Scum are less likely to flip votes at the last minute onto their partner in the face of an easy villager exe, so if there are scum bussing it’s AT and/or night.

In conclusion,
can someone write my collegeapps esays for me please


I can only kill at night.

Sorry, not sorry.

I feel like town would’ve claimed their kill and said sorry

unless it was specifically eevee then i have no fucking clue

I think it was scum intending to throw suspicion onto gorta

or, as AT did at that moment, myself

No it was the claimvig

Why would the shooter claim when Anti claim is in play?

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But wind didn’t even claim, did they?

Okay, thanks for taking the time to explain this. In particular, the last part about checking for posts that were left out that shouldn’t have been based on who they are.

And yeah, I’ve been getting the impression from other games that TL tends to be paranoid. :slight_smile: It was interesting that you particularly posed that question. :slight_smile:

It’s a meme from Homestuck.
I shot ModeShifter because he kept ignoring me and blamed it on scum claimvig.



no like
they would’ve claimed by now
with anticlaim dead

lolseth moment

Either way, the day vig shot probably had something to do with Arctic.

Well, I suppose that’s fair when especially considering that people on the site tend to ignore/miss out on that stuff unless it is brought to their attention.

h u h

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considering Astand stance on Arctic and Astand being a strong player overall

It was the claimvig

This is the whole sequence @min