Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I need people to read this.
As I have thought Eevee is NK for a while and Leafia claiming Mason partner is spicy rn.

Very spicy. I think this confirms me as town too.

I want you to confirm that you are hard claiming mason partners with the flipped mason and that nobody else therefore is the mason.

Iā€™m doing just that.

Oh boy oh boy today is going to be fun.

Yup. Itā€™s also what I meant when I said that I didnā€™t need to fear getting yeeted.

Yeahā€¦ wellā€¦ Actually you have high fear of getting yeeted.

Or at least should have.

Wrong. Iā€™m basically proven town at the moment. Unless someone wants to cc me and get yeeted next when you see that Iā€™m telling the truth. Evils would have to be dumb to do that at this point in the game.

Leaf, we literally have someone else claimed as the mason :eyes:

And if they claim it, theyā€™ll be yeeted tomorrow.

Possibly even today if town is smart.

They already claimed it.
Andā€¦ Sculpt also said this other person is their partner.

He was joking about that. I even asked him in our mason chat and theyā€™ll reveal that they arenā€™t his mason partner now if theyā€™re smart. Think about it too. What do I possibly have to gain from lying here? My comments wouldnā€™t even make sense if I was lying here.

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In fact, it would be utterly moronic for evils to lie about that.

Question @Leafia

Is there anything, short of an alignment check, that can confirm you to the outside world?

A fruit, for instance

Just a yes/no plz

I am inclined to think that Eevee isnā€™t mason for having a killing ability.
Also, I think the above post by Cheese feels weird? Iā€™m not sure itā€™s something a villager would ask.

Nope. Not 100% at least.

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I can see a villager asking it honestly.

asking it to see whatā€™s up with eevee

personally Iā€™m thinking eevee might be openwolfing and expecting people to just go ā€œeh itā€™s just eevee fuck itā€