Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Yeah, that’s kinda the point.

If you have 4 people in hood and wagons are equal for pretty much whole day… they split the votes?

Also when they were attacking me, it was Vulgard and PKR and other two were… hestitant? Despite being able to talk it through in neighborhood?

I don’t get it tbh.

Seems like lack of cooperation from outside PoV.

Day 1 spread out.
Day 2 spread out.
Now? Spread out. (Vulgard and Nightin going after completely different people).

I don’t say they should have like 100% same PoV, but I would expect more cooperation, yet… I see somehow not much of it at certain places?

It’s not just socially they’re spread out
PKR + Vulgard supposedly have a tracker + gun detector
Why aren’t they pairing together to eliminate any possibility an innocent visits someone on the night they die?
And now they’re on an NK hunt which is going to be a disaster
I don’t know what they’re doing but it’s whatever and for them to deal with.

I can see spreading out to cover more people being logial tbh.

But they are both clearly wasting theirs actions tbh.

I understand Vulgard might of not noticed me saying I can kill.
But like… PKR tracked killer claim.
What did they expect?

Even rn noone takes it as incriminating result, cause… tbh rather opposite - killer visiting someone who didnt die would be weird.

That plus mason deicdiing to out themselves today is heavilly tilting.

Disagree. This setup is obviously going to contain enormous amounts of Town KP.
Verifying who the vig kills is crutial to actually figuring out if they’re a town vig vs scum

Counterpoint - it’s neighborhood.

Arranging it there, if there is scum there, lets scum know who will be checked and when.

Gorta claimed to be a flip verifier
I don’t think it’s that illogical considering there is supposedly a janitor in this setup.

I think Light is just missing/forgetting a lot from being busy. He also made the mistake concerning Centuries being lost wolf.


Other question - would you rather put scum tracker or gunsmith in this setup?

Scum tracker, especially with no scum anti-protectives dead yet and anti-claim being kinda weak.
A scum roleblocker hasn’t flipped yet. A scum tracker could setup mislynches on town killers that misvig, too.
Gunsmith doesn’t give enough information to warrant it being a scum role.

I wouldn’t put either of them tbh.

Altho I do see your point about misslynches on town killers.

Also touche considering PKR’s behavior and setting on single perosn.

I’d put a scum watcher in before I’d consider a scum tracker, sure.
But I don’t think I wouldn’t 100% not put it in.

You know, gunsmith might just as well be role cop.

But yeah.

Are you referring to a scum or town gunsmith?

I mean that scum role cop technicly would be able to claim gunsmith.

Paranoia is not gonna help rn anyway.

I don’t think I have

my flag has blue in it guys