Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I’m tired

can you read min, cloned and Light?

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Well damn. Now I’m likely to have to claim.
Not entirely helpful but it can’t really be helped unless someone puts some thought into what I am and decides to clear me.

if you have to claim, all I can say is lolVul.

I don’t see why kyo has to claim

I assume it was the neighborhood and also Leafia that wants me to claim and I also brought up the words ‘mechanically confirmed’
A lot of people like to verify these claims and rightfully so
I’ll bring up why I’m mech cleared when it actually becomes an issue but until then just ignore I claimed mech cleared

Oh okay

I’m going to sleep it’s 4am bye

For full disclosure, we basically stopped talking in the hood once YbW flipped.
I also see literally no reason for Kyo to claim right now, and a few reasons why that might be suboptimal.

Not sure what to think of Nightingale but after reading through everything, I still honestly think that Light is likely to be scum. As for Eevee and Vulgard, I’d be willing to bet actual money that both of them are town at the moment.

Appearantly trying to volume clear myself now that I’m at a computer isn’t a valid strategy for getting free villa-reads.

Actually, I was more looking to see what Vulgard would say to that. Usually, it would be something like, “Leafia has claimed the other half of the mason pair, and innocent until proven guilty” in Vulgard!speak

Whatever the hell that was

Also, I highly doubt every single player in the neighborhood is town. It simply doesn’t make sense for anything except maybe flavor.

i am considering that option too

that’s fair, but you should understand that i’m still going to be a bit suspicious until it happens, so i’d like you to do it sooner rather than later
i didn’t pick up on your softs if there were any

yeah i mentioned that


okay so look
the problem is that me and pkr are active there while youbutworse wasn’t and ami never existed to begin with
which is why i was doing things mostly with pkr only
youbutworse is the first person to have voiced doubts about the gorta wagon in the neighborhood, but then voted gorta for some reason after me and pkr decided to swap to arctic
which i found wolfy and since he was a villager i can’t really explain why he did that
we are also not on the same wavelength as nightingale because nightingale has only recently begun to post and we haven’t really developed a trust relationship with them
we’re also kinda suspicious of the slot being mafia because no flipped wolf spews them town, and so many other people are spewed town from the flips so far that we find it worrying
i will say that we know nightingale’s claim and we think it’s more likely to be town than not, but not clearing

which is another reason we’re sussing nightingale a bit even though i actually like nightingale’s posts today on a tonal level

i will say that pkr isn’t really spewed town from any of the wolf flips either but i trust him more than nightingale for a few reasons which are disconnected from each other
it’s not impossible he aptly pocketed me but that’s something i’ll re-evaluate tomorrow or in two days if i’m still alive then

min, atnoname, eevee, an_gorta_pratai and kyodaz are all spewed not mafia from the flips. going by strength of spew, it’s gorta -> min -> eevee -> kyo -> atnoname from my point of view but they are roughly equal and ordering them feels ingenuine
leafia is a claimed mason with no counterclaim, which means she is always town
rat has no ability to kill and claims mechanics cop. as such, they are also always town, unless their role is some bastard invention or mafia have another tailor

nightingale/whysper/light/tl/cloned are the remaining slots
i’ve liked some of whysper and nightingale’s posts today but i can’t really explain why other than “tonally good”
i think there’s the most evidence for light/tl/cloned being mafia, but the point about astand never pushing the dota->whysper slot despite putting them at the bottom of his readlist and posting about them multiple times is notable and something i don’t want to ignore

so far i don’t think i want to go for nightingale today

among the people outside of poe, eevee and kyo seem like the most likely nk candidates, except kyo claims he can mechanically prove himself to not be nk (which i would like him to do so that i can stop being paranoid). eevee has a combination of killing youbutworse (tracked there by pkr n2), being peeked as having a gun by me and overall mostly just existing
he is definitely not mafia based on flipped wolf spew, but the possibility of nk does exist and i don’t think him claiming killer on day 1 changes that
pkr is more focused on that idea than i am but i’m still entertaining it

another nk candidate i can see is honestly atnoname? he looks quite good from interactions with flipped wolves, but hasn’t done too much to help us solve the game. he’s outside of poe mostly because of how he referred to wolves and how they referred to him, but in most cases, he hasn’t been actively pushing them or anything.

i think the reasons to clear the entire not-poe tier are good and i can go over them again if it’s necessary but i’ve already done that multiple times before

i forgot to put pkr in poe
technically he isn’t spewed town, i just townread him, and that puts him in an awkward spot where i don’t think he deserves to be in poe but i also can’t put him in the “spewed town by wolf flips” zone
it’s possible i’m being pocketed by him and that worries me a bit
he’s also rather inflexible regarding the eevee situation
i understand where he’s coming from on eevee but i feel like he’s thinking about other possibilities too little

and yeah we kinda stopped using the neighborhood now because we can just talk in the thread now that it’s outed. we might still discuss some stuff there though

gorta please help us solve the game
you were literally just saved from almost certain death and we killed a wolf instead of you
that should motivate you to help us, because you were given the “second chance” you wanted so desperately yesterday

i’ll be back at eod hopefully decided on where to vote

Day 3 ends in 12 hours 2020-12-09T21:00:00Z