Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)


/vote KyoDaz @CRichard564 @Wazza

I feel like we have some wiggle room

this probably makes no sense to literally anyone but iā€™m paranoid as fuck right now

why should we cfd?

because i feel uncomfortable

Vul why the f**k didnā€™t you say something when we had 5 minutes left to actually coordinate not when we have mere seconds

i thought people would just vote
iā€™m sorry

Why do I not hate this CFD?

wait isnā€™t the day supposed to be over

Yeah stfu lol

i think you can still vote-

Itā€™s why I am upset

Dont speak unless ur host

Accused Voters Count
Clonedcheese ATNoName, Light, rat, PKR, an_gorta_pratai, min 6/8
Light Leafia, Nightingale, Whysper, Clonedcheese 4/8
Kyodaz Vulgard 1/8
Not Voting Eevee, TrustworthyLiberal, KyoDaz 3

The day came to a close andā€¦the player voted was Clonedcheeseā€¦

You grabbed his card and the name was almost impossible to make out, along with the picture being completely blurred. You couldnā€™t understand his roleā€¦What was heā€¦? You felt like you would never find out until calling from the east, everyone shouted them over to the country once more. Thatā€™s when it was noticed.

*Around the computer Around the computer, research had to be done about the nation of The Netherlands, it had turned out the Netherlands was now a sworn on Capitalistā€¦Once again, everyone had executed their own Capitalist buddyā€¦As for the Netherlands, it was quite ironic that no one knew how to determine what he wasā€¦considering what he had done for everybodyā€¦

They were the The Netherlands

As the Netherlands, you used to have a Dutch Empire that got independence from you. The Scramble for Africa wasnā€™t exactly in your favour back then, but now with the Cold War raging on, you have new found allies and are planning on taking down the Communists once and for all. Maybe if you do good enough, youā€™ll learn a lot.

Each night, you may pick a player, you will delay their death. Your delayed deaths will count as a heal, meaning it will act as if you healed them but instead move forward two nights, when you delay a death you will be informed, that player will die in two nights after instead.

If you delay a death over the course of the game, you may use a night to dissipate the death out of existence or move it onto another player instead. You can only do this once per game.

Your goal is to defeat Communism and any other nations that stand to harm Capitalism.

Night 3 has started and will end 2020-12-10T21:00:00Z

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Majority was reached.

I think at least, my entire thing is broken. Is the VC correct that CRich posted

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If my count is correct, majority wasnā€™t reached on Clonedcheese before they voted on Light.

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In case this wasnā€™t mentioned earlier, night actions are locked in over 17 hours 2020-12-10T20:30:00Z