Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

… How the hell could you mess up your ability usages? Especially when TL knows that they’re running out bc they held their ability instead of using it?
No chance they ‘forgot’ or ‘misread’

But this is only for non-investigatives

investigatives* correction


Okay? Why does that matter about the point that a non-investigative would know they’ve been roleblocked when they shouldn’t receive feedback???

Why have you been giving out diplomatic immunity all the way up to today

You have like almost no reads

What’s the PoE again?

Admittedly I’ve been hiding my top scumreads like I always do as a vigilante because I shoot people instead if you’re wondering about the lack of scumreads

Because am an investigator with that passive.

So a none investigator would not gain that info as it’s on an investigator…

Yes they would, because they’d realise they still have an ability charge.

You have the exact passive that you regain a charge if you get rb’ed?

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I’m getting confused

Pretty much makes it as if I holstered yes

I just asked the hosts.
You don’t get charges refunded. Fucking knew it.
TL is a liar. /vote TL



Have you not actually read my posts omg

So you’re claiming you have a passive that affects one role in this entire game and you’re the only investigative that has it?
No chance.

How can hosts give out that information LOL

Because it’s setup-wide information.

Wouldn’t it be weird tho if they gave out info that confirmed someone scum???