Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

He can kill literally anyone without limits

I know but I mean why didnā€™t you or better question who did you kill.

I donā€™t think he wouldā€™ve wanted Cheese yeeted and heā€™d probably be looking for a Light yeet too.

Ok thank you
Once Light gets back on hopefully I can help make his alignment more obvious

I have a thought, but could rat/Vul be w/w? The only thing is why save me over arctic?

I still have to look at light

@rat hopefully you can explain your SoD posts

Thereā€™s an explanation, I just donā€™t see fit to reveal it yet.

Ok, I need to eat, but hopefully you explain it soon

I mustā€™ve missed it shrug

Iā€™m greenchecked btw

Iā€™m here, Hannukah is over

Hopefully I do

I have considered the possibility of Vul being scum and the bleed being fake. Thereā€™s a world in which his claim is fake, explaining why eevee was checked, and why I was checked the following night- a scum!Vul would reasonably be sure I couldnā€™t kill and thus secure him a pocket lasting the rest of the game. He could have made up a bleed so no one questions exactly why Town Leader Vul has been left alive for so long.

While this theory is mechanically possible, I donā€™t think it holds water socially.

I am actually Trochilidae.
Now talk to me

rat - mechanics cop
vulgard - gunsmith
kyo - desperado
nightingale - (??)
min - hider
whysper - 1-shot bpv
gorta - flip checker (??)
tl - watcher
eevee - vig
leafia - mason
light - roleblocker

Confirmed roles:

Unconfirmed roles:

^ this is meant to have bleeder, person who killed Centuries and day vig.
So at least 3 out of 7 are lying about roles here.

Confirmed aligments:

Light (by min)
rat (by Vulgard)

Which depending if we trust Vulgard and Min lowers it to 3 out of 5.

But while Vulgard has somehow confirmed to not be bleeder/day vig etc.
min is stuck inā€¦ second pool.

@rat is your no able to confirm your role (or aligment)
@Nightingale are you able to confirm your role (or aligment)

Huh. Oh well :shrug:
Congrats on besting me

Can you word this better?

I donā€™t really believe it, but it doesnā€™t matter because youā€™re still greenchecked by Vul.

I mean your ā€œnoā€ result.

Is it able to confirm you are really mechanics seer.

Cause othersā€¦ kinda werenā€™t.

Also Iā€™m kinda curious how it works.

Like assuming you got ā€œnoā€, it means you can ask questions, right?