Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

light i swear to fucking god
if i haven’t been insanely insanely obvious idk what to tell ya my dude

i care more about winning this game than i do preserving my “secret identity” and i believe outing myself will create some AI-reactions in you and if i have to beat my trochi-ness into you with a sack of gay bricks i will do so

it uh was a joke
that wasn’t my actual info i said that because i don’t see fit to out my actual d4 info

Seemed like you were serious.


I’m kinda confused why you want to hide information if everything else is in open tho.

Consider the following:
I am greenchecked

if we believe min
which at the moment, i do but it can’t hurt to be sure

also eevee if i can catch a wolf with keeping it hidden then i will keep it hidden

Hmm. Okay, I believe you.
I was kinda holding out hope that you’d be responsible enough to not in to two games at a time, but alright.

when have i ever been responsible light
name one time

The times I force you to be responsible.

i was gonna fire back with a witty retort but i don’t have one

Doing so would assume anything I just said was untrue.

If it’s not clear, I’m slightly disappointed.

i gathered that sir
i may be dumb but i ain’t blind

Ehhh, just make sure to out it before eod.


will do o7

Eevee, never saw your answer. Did you holster last night?

Possible but not that likely.

No you literally aren’t.

I hid behind him and didn’t die

He’s at least not mafia

Min is almost as scummy as you are Light and the possibility of tou being w/w with them is high.