Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

That’s how we lose

Or we can just vote outed scum instead of hunting illusions?

I want your opinions on this. I’ll take a quick look at Kyo

My opinion is that you are hunting shadows instead of scum.

One thing I notice from kyo is that I was initially clear when Kyo kills Astand (even appealing to me), but now I am suddenly bad today

There was no push of me being a possible nk until today


I think Kyo kind of flip flops a lot from reading their ISO. Like they think I am fine d1, they initially try to claim nightingale flipping wolf clears Arctic (after pushing Arctic d1) and then vote Arctic later on d2, try to appeal to me d3, and then all of a sudden I am the nk in their eyes. On d1 they also claim that Astand is their top town read. They only ever accuse me of being the nk when they are on the chopping block, so this looks like self pres to me. There’s also the weird corona virus claimvig comments that were made before Astand flipped China. They hard push to get Majora out d1. This tells me that Kyo is likely scum here and those over the top d1 claims make me think that even more. I definitely think Kyo is scum, but I think they have a chance to flip group scum or NK. On one hand they had terrible interactions with flipped scum and on the other they tried to appeal to all sides involved at times. I can explain anything if there are questions, but I don’t think Kyo is town

@Vulgard why do you think Kyo is exactly NK and not group scum?

I’ll try to cover some other people when I get back from supper

Kyo can’t mechanically be gs

Kyo killed astand

Your opinion is wrong, eevee.


I’m going to say, I won’t post in here for the rest of the day for personal reasons

I’m going to go with my gut and my confidence in vul and vote kyo.

/vote kyo @Wazza @CRichard564

Good luck everyone. I’m sorry if me not talking is inconvenient. I might change my mind, I might not. Also, don’t ask about why I’m not posting either. Please.

Accused Voters Count
KyoDaz Vulgard, min 2/6
an_gorta_pratai KyoDaz 1/6
Not Voting Nightingale, Whypser, Light, an_gorta_pratai, Eevee, TrustworthyLiberal, rat. Leafia 8

How is it wrong?

There is outed scum and we are chasing suspicions of NK, which are paranoid and might not even end up true.

Okay, let’s be logical.

/vote TL

Accused Voters Count
KyoDaz Vulgard, min 2/6
an_gorta_pratai KyoDaz 1/6
TrustworthyLiberal eevee 1/6
Not Voting Nightingale, Whypser, Light, an_gorta_pratai, TrustworthyLiberal, rat. Leafia 7

Need I remind you who granted you the luxurious benefits of diplomatic immunity?

It’s almost like I wanted to do this but people really want to kill the NK

Kyo, I was saying so way before you.

Also what tf is diplomatic immunity