Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Accused Voters Count
KyoDaz Vulgard, min, Nightingale, Whysper 4/6
TrustworthyLiberal eevee, KyoDaz 2/6
Not Voting Light, an_gorta_pratai, TrustworthyLiberal, rat. Leafia 5

Day ends in 3 hours and 24 minutes or at 2020-12-12T21:00:00Z

Thatā€™s not only recharge passive, there is more of mechanics he messed up in his claims.

First of all - invests not being informed they were rbā€™ed. (well, they receive no result, but still thatā€™s not meaning anything in case of watcher, since they could just as well not see anyone)

Ergo, since he knows he was rbā€™ed and not just noone visited his target, he is not a watcher.

Second one is that he claimed 2-shot with 2-shots left and 1 remaining.

etc. etc.

TL fucked up theirs claim heavilly.

I mean, if you want easiest confirmation for this, just ask if PKR (tracker) would have any way to know they were rbā€™ed if they didnā€™t perform an action.

Answer is no, tho you can confirm this with host if you want to.

The problem I have is that TL seems much too experienced to mess up that badly on claims.

I did ask the host about the RB recharge and heard back that someone RBā€™d doesnā€™t receive their charge back. However, TL talks about it like a passive, so that might be a special situation and perhaps the host canā€™t specifically tell about that.

2 hours and 42 minutes remain. Or at 2020-12-12T21:00:00Z

@Aelin @rat @Leafia Yaā€™ll gonna need to vote TL or I die today. Donā€™t fall to the paranoia conspiracy theory that is Vulgate.
The conspiracy theory relies on me being omniscent and having a rampage which, unfortunately, I do not have either of those luxuries.
Vote outed scum TL.

Whysper you are spewing youraelf as scum
You shouldā€™ve bussed TL

I canā€™t believe weā€™re going to lose because Vulgard decided to conf bias, paranoia theory that is Vulgate.

Shut the gates!
Shut the gates!
Shut the gates!

Next thing you know Vulgard will be trying to convince us that vaccines are government spy tools
We canā€™t be fooled by this ridiculously paranoid person

And @min you need to get off of me or we lose

kyo is basically openwolfing here
please just kill kyo
heā€™s not even trying to evaluate anymore heā€™s just going full self-pres because he doesnā€™t care

No, TL is an outed wolf. I am not openwolfing.
Vulgard is so desperate to get me killed out of paranoia and his conspiracy theory of Vulgate.
We cannot have the town implode due to Vulgate.

Like, legitimately. Just ignore Vulgard. His entire Vulgate theory is clouded by paranoia.

There are clear discrepencies between the NK game I played and this game now.
Not only that, Vulgate is flawed and TL is an outed wolf.

i am not going to repeat myself
calling my theory ā€œjust paranoiaā€ and ā€œconspiracyā€ is bullshit

Conspiracy theory*
And we refer to it as Vulgate from now on

Iā€™m more or less okay? with all your other defences, but referring to all the points against you as a collecting ā€œVulgateā€ is basically strawmanning them.
Iā€™m going to call that out.

And actually openwolfing is town AI for me
I have statistically openwolfed more times as town than scum
i.e in community FM where I openwolfed so I would die and get Alice killed because I knew she was scum and my death would confirm her as scum

Explain how Iā€™ve strawmanned his argument when I have refuted every point

1 hour and 47 minutes remain. Or at 2020-12-12T21:00:00Z