Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

In that scenario we likely have a deep wolf

This game should be locked, but what do we do if TL is town?

I legit said above what to do after my flip gortu

If TL flips town, we kill Whysper if theyā€™re redchecked, or have a medium-difficulty LyLo if theyā€™re not.

I still stick by my list


However, we have rat green checked by min.

Still, we always kill min before we kill rat anyway


Leafia has stated they arenā€™t bleeding, so here are possibilities Iā€™m thinking about today

  1. TL scum 6v1
    1a) TL and Whysper - min dies hiding with Whysper tonight, but Whysper doesnā€™t die, plus night kill 4v1
    1b) TL and Min - night kill 5v1
    1c) TL and not Min or Whysper - most likely night kill on Whysper, killing Min as well 4v1

  2. TL not scum 5v2
    2a) Whysper and Min - min doesnā€™t die, but thereā€™s a nightkill, probably on someone who is already ā€œclearedā€ by min, and min ā€œclearsā€ Whysper
    2b) Whysper and not Min - min dies to Whysper, and thereā€™s a nightkill on someone min has cleared 4v2
    2c) not Whysper and not Min - Nightkill on Whysper, killing both Whysper and Min 4v2

Whysper if villager canā€™t be nightkilled as a Bulletproof.
Thatā€™s partially why we chose them as a target.

Thatā€™s good and also a good target

Oh rite

I canā€™t speak English lol

Rethinking this:

  1. TL scum 6v1
    1a) TL and Whysper - min dies hiding with Whysper tonight, but Whysper doesnā€™t die, plus night kill 4v1
    1b) TL and Min - night kill 5v1
    1c) TL and not Min or Whysper - nightkill on one of minā€™s clears 5v1

  2. TL not scum 5v2
    2a) Whysper and Min - min doesnā€™t die, but thereā€™s a nightkill, probably on someone who is already ā€œclearedā€ by min, and min ā€œclearsā€ Whysper
    2b) Whysper and not Min - min dies to Whysper, and thereā€™s a nightkill on someone min has cleared 4v2
    2c) not Whysper and not Min - Nightkill on someone min has cleared, 4v2

Iā€™m probably dead tonight lol

Because whether or not Min is scum, scum would want minā€™s clears dead to keep PoE as wide as possible

Also, in the case thatā€™s not TL, Whysper, or Min, itā€™s Night/Gorta locked

How r u dead

??? Curious

I donā€™t think anything can go wrong.