Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

kyo ily

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This is the second time I have been tricked in my rolecard.
ITA immune miller with infinite redirect and
infinite day/night vig no guilt? Not NK.
Rolecard with green name? Better guess you’re an NK bitch

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masoned to herbalist :^)

to be fair, my role was useless after the role that could alter roles died

There wasnt such a role…
You were always useless.

wasn’t arctic the role that could alter flips?

no your role was mechanically entirely useless

arctic was a framer/tailor, didnt touch flips at all :joy_cat:

Haha, this was why I was actually suspicious that Gorta was making up his claim and was some other neutral. So I rolecopped him just to make sure. :slight_smile:

All traitors to my Empire fell. Mission failed successfully.

West Germany is a dick, clearly.

(AKA lmaoo)

Anyway, majority wants me to host another game with a different flavour.

You see, the issue with that is that I have no idea what flavour I would do it based on, Roblox games or smthn?

roblox flavour
yes please

**[quote=“Wazza, post:6868, topic:84932, full:true”]
However, if I were to base an FM game on a different flavour, I have absolutely no clue what I would base it on.


Bathroom Parts

You are a Toilet.
Your alignment is Serial Killer.
You are immune to Day Kills.
You cannot be roleblocked.
You have a 1-Shot Mass Roleblock.



1980 republican national committee theme

Run FoL 31 after EFoL 4 is done. iirc, you’re one of the few people on these forums that are allowed to host FoL

terraria flavor
i’m being serious about this

“One of the few”