Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)


you beat me to it

Is this serious or is it ā€œbasedā€ meme

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Why is thread dead during normal sensible times then alive when itā€™s time to like sleep


i mean

i dont like the fact that he was afk for 2 hours then popped in to a recent point in-thread and said ā€œbasedā€ and nothing else

Eli youā€™re more active tbh which is actually nice

Inactivity usually isnā€™t ai for you regardless of alignment but Iā€™m kinda liking how ur active rn

is ur wim gonna like crash into non existence in like two days is the question


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The way you responded so quick is hilarious goodbye

this community is really good
my new home after ToS dies


i have no idea who iā€™m townreading anymore but iā€™m having so much fun it doesnā€™t matter

Inb4 you start eventually using joycats

everyone does :joy_cat:

If youā€™re calling someone lockscum just spam joycats itā€™ll get ur point across

in my mind itā€™s labeled as ā€œmeme katze marshal and arete useā€ so iā€™ll have to penetrate that wall first to use it myself

gotcha, thank you for the teamwork

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actually i was thinking of kickstarting some sort of ToS/ToL integration program because i think itll benefit both sites but thats just an idea i had

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i would support that for sure

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:eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes: thatā€™s actually a really cool sounding idea already

Anyway Iā€™m probably gonna read chat and vibe here until I actually eventually fall asleep

Iā€™ll say though Iā€™m liking some people already here

Actually I can barely keep my eyes open

Peace out yall

