Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

i don’t do early reads

there’s some people i called town but i forgot them all instantly

Let’s pack it up now rat has already identified both other alts.
I will hold on a concrete Light read until he gets that actual reads list out

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Who am I

I’ll have to recheck if first sentence is true.

But second is so stupid to say that I can’t even hate it.

I still think you’re Trochi and that this is absolutely something she would do.
I only mention so I can better sort you two out myself though I don’t want a huge drawn out altspec argument.

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Null Line





Repeat it with me, “I hate this but it’s unfortunately townie”

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I won’t say who I am other than I’m not Trochi lol

No idea why they claimed to be me but it was funny so I went with it

If it’s not here, it’s null. Yes, this includes Min, Leafia, and sculptordwarf.

Going to be the theme of this game?

(even though I personally don’t like overrelying on giving this sort of townreads)


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Astand that’s the theme of the entire forum

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Ill think about this then

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Clearly I haven’t been immersed into it enough recently.

Oh how I’ve missed this place

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YoubutWorse feels comfortable in thread. More of a “not worse than thing than” a “better than” thing.

clonedcheese has felt awkward, and his pushes feel like they’re in bad faith. He seems to be making a conclusion, and then looking for supporting evidence, and if there is none, making it up as he goes. For example, Mist’s ‘fluffposting’.

Centuries was poor in thread, but his 1 on 1 with me felt terrible. He kept trying to attack something that was irrelevant.

This is important. As soon as possible, please.

Something I want to bring up- yes there have been several people that I am townreading based on stupid things I hate.
This can’t apply to the whole f**king game though so I’m going to say it now

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Anyway, I think I came up with slight townlean after Misty’s ISO (which I still had opened).
Mostly for not getting potato-ish vibes and having some energy despite having little words.

Eh, good enough for now probably.