Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)


Quick question out of curiosity is pocketing people as town a viable strat

Am lost what’s going on here anyway?

temptative read

eli town

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only mafia has friends

What if the friends we made along the way are all really lost wolves.

TL scum
Arctic town

thank me later

/vote TL


does that even work
i thought that was a wolf-exclusive role

It is in final 3.

Yes 1000% at least it it works if it doesn’t isn’t anymore

We are trying to do too obvious to be real signaling attempt that we are actually lost wolfs.

Want to join us?

Nah, in theory town could pocket people

i am being pocketed
joycrab joycrab

what lead you to believe this


clearly only the lost town can pocket


your thread presence


Obviously that’s why I posted that xD.

I’ll join. Sounds fun.