Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

what is the context

yes and yes

/vote TL
thats a fair enough reason for me

emoji tellā€™s a thing yā€™all i promise

Mild townlean for this comment. Trying to understand stuff is more likely than not town.

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/vote Leafia

Leafia frozen im telling yall

ok it is way too early to make townleans imo

Mild scum lean for this comment


Not for me and you know it :rofl:

i agree with astand
cloned frozen wolf
joycrab joycrab boom bye scum
/vote cloned @Wazza

i disagree

the point of leans is that they arenā€™t rock-solid so thereā€™s no downside

This isnā€™t ironic btw

mildly annoyed at this comment. :upside_down_face:

fair enough

thatā€™s true

are you going to engage with my vote on you?

Accused Voters Count
clonedcheese TrustworthyLiberal, astand, Centuries, EliThePsycho 4/13
TrustworthyLiberal Mistyx, YoubutWorse 2/13
Leafia Solic 1/13
Vulgard sculptordwarf 1/13
Mistyx clonedcheese 1/13

Your first post in thread being a read and such a boring one at that

Nope :smile_cat:

Itā€™s not my first post in the thread though. :thinking:

early reads

sculptor v
min ?
solic v
ybw v
arctic ?
astand ?
leafia w
eevee lw
twl ?
mist ?
cheese w
eli v

ggs towncore game solve

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