Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

hard SIGH

/vote cheese @Wazza @CRichard564
well now that heā€™s claimed canada

Still belive Eli is Scum.
Same with Kyo.
Iā€™ll admit I could be wrong on Centuries

inb4 canada is the fakeclaim
how much of a part did canada take part in in cold war :thonk:
for now iā€™ll spare it tho

flavor solving bad anyways

Iā€™m here for EoD.

yeah, unlike me

eh, weā€™re not in the night phase yet. this was their attempt at softing TP by the way.

the guy Kiro likes to sheep

did you just change your mind and vote Majora lol


/unvote @Wazza @CRichard564

also, because lol!anticlaim, heā€™s probably dying tonight lets be real

I just got back playing League. Here as well.
I didnā€™t know Seth claimed. Iā€™ll go check back on that in a second.

dude i FORGOT ok theres too many things to keep track of

Iā€™m ok with dealing with Majora later instead of right now tbh. if he actually doesnā€™t die tonight we can examine him again tomorrow.

yeah he claimed TP and Canada.

The only reason you scumread me is because I got a wagon on you to out your ā€˜profilesā€™ and I also told you that you read your bars off of your iPhone 4
Give up the bullshit

Also I looked through his ISO and apparently he didnā€™t claim

I wish I had a good strategy right now but we have a full court and only Majora has claimed so I donā€™t really have a good strategy unless I can manage to ISO a couple more people within the last half hour now.

He did recently

Oh. Right. I didnā€™t see that.
Why has he flavor claimed

I have always been called interesting or weird when it comes to reads.

I am not sure tbh in full how to explain it but when reading through ratā€™s ISO, they just said a ton of things which they could have said in 1 post which feels like an attempt to try and actively seem like they are providing content and that they are townie. Meanwhile some posts are serious and many are not.

I feel like the tone they have had is a combination of joking around (for a good chunk of the beginning of their ISO) with bits of content sprinkled in so they can get away with it and it will make others avoid reading them due to there being so much posted.

I understand it could just be typical meme phase things but this one stood out in my mind since it is buried a bit into the ISO where people might just skip over it to see later posts or earlier posts. Not the filler middle.

I also think their interaction with Majora earlier on felt forced:

I think it goes without saying that almost all of us would be thinking this, but just before posting this, rat was casual with Majoraā€™s who nickname thing and profiling thing so it erked me a bit. I think rat saw an opportunity so commented, to allow them to return back to it in the fututre.

No fucking clue lol
I guess because flavors are alignment indicative but we all know the scum have fakeclaim flavors as well

This is my question

Claiming your flavor and tp is literally like the worst thing we can do here

Very tempted to break my promise to Cent tbh and vote Eli.

I think his case on Majora was really performative and I donā€™t feel like its tone really matches the rest of their posting.

And even now they moved their vote to counterwagon to Majora forā€¦ tbh I donā€™t understand why. (surely not for flavor?). As if Eli didnā€™t have any conviction behind his read in the first place.

I donā€™t know, I donā€™t have good feelings about the slot now at all.

(ftr I didnā€™t really understand what Misty was talking about)

it was because of flavor