Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I’m here to cast a vote to whoever.

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we need a vc we have like 10 min left

I think TL is town. There, if you want me to sound less indecisive just basically change out what I am saying for more definitive things. I use more cautious words because I am worried about being so wrong already.

Already done so on rat. I like vul’s arctic case honestly is a big reason why I want to see more from them.

Pfft. Decisive on dota? I said I think they are more likely town than not. I am more decisive on Vul atm… and Min and TL too honestly.

we have 7 minutes left

vc pls

Anyone like know who candidates are?

Then I think it is fair for me to comment my take on TL, even if it is not the best.
I am trying

They are forgettable, but why should I vote TL

i sent a read on gorta and 2 response posts to wind and vulgard
read those if you ‘want more’

then i think it’s fair for me to call your take on TL bad

this is the elevator pitch on TL being a wolf

i vaguely recall someone saying slanking is a scumtell for solic
or was it someone else

Well it’s not, see my last 2 town games.

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I’ve gotten up to 4 actually if you’d bothered to pay more attention

What I saw was that Majora asking if there was a postcount minimum seemed like an excuse to do as little as possible without being modkilled. That thought pissed me off so I commented on it, simple.

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Okay I don’t want PKR wagoned today

I have no qualms with this. Everyone is entitled to read people differently.

Hmm, I mean, I can see where you are coming from but I do not really think it makes them scum.

PKR isn’t a wagon target?

Nobody is wagoning him?

I think he’s town and I see where he’s coming from

I’m not having a two party system
We’re keeping all options open ideally
Just because someone has 3 votes doesn’t mean they can’t become a wagon target

Gonna ISO Eli since he’s being wagoned.

This was an absolutely terrible early post and I really don’t know what to say about it besides that it’s chaotic and not at all useful.

what the heck are these posts? I’ll just stop quoting them because I feel like most of them have absolutely no content worth considering, or at least not towny content. I don’t get scum vibes from this but like… “chaotic neutral” which isn’t really a read besides just plain not town.

he’s made a ton of posts speculating on frozen wolf and cheese being a frozen wolf but it’s mostly just saying he’s a frozen wolf without saying why.

fool/jester ping? LOL
I just really don’t know what to think of Eli’s posts and I can’t really get by with saying that everyone is pinging me as chaotic neutrals. I almost feel like Eli wants to get wagoned by the way he’s posting and basically failing to defend himself, though.

does anyone want to confirm if this is self-meta or not for Eli?

This is just not giving me any constructive information at all. Lots of joke posts, fluff posts, low content posts.

He claims to have ISO’d clonedcheese and then doesn’t share anything at all that he found in the ISO. Anti-town ping right there, but is it scum? idk

very vague explanation as to why he thinks Cheese is townier than Majora

At the very least I can give him some credit for calling out Majora’s profiling BS. Then again, literally all of us have because it was actually useless filler. So, not much credit. I don’t think there’s any TMI on this except maybe that he’s kind of townreading Cheese which I’m not super keen on right now.

this is one of the worst counterarguments to a push that I’ve seen in this game

I’m not totally sure what this was in reference to but I don’t understand it.

So… Eli went from saying Cheese was townier than Majora, to voting Cheese instead of Majora because Majora claimed Canada/TP?

All of Eli’s posts are very short in length, very confusing, don’t contain any actual ISOs despite his claiming to have done one on Cheese, and then he said Cheese’s ISO wasn’t wolfy but voted him anyway. I don’t like that but I’m on the fence about whether it’s indicative of scum. At any rate, I don’t think he’s town. I want a votecount before yeeting someone, though.

(I stopped bothering quoting after that).

Yeah I maybe somewhat agree, and I don’t hugely like how TL was reacting to Misty’s pushes (as if he doesn’t want to directly engage with it or try to understand Misty and figure her motivation out and instead is being kinda awkward and deflecting the situation to some old game).

Rest I just skimmed, so idk, not much stood out to me on first glance (which is maybe a bad sign?)
Town reads he made have been mostly easy.

Don’t like this tbh also. (the fact of neut hunting which is simultaneously kinda avoiding a real stance)