Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

And what information could you use through determining if it’s a scumkill or vig/bg situation if you were to reach a conclusion

Scum never kill Eli here
Easy mislynch the next day


sulit’s not in the game

I’m confused about the nightkill and have a few tinfoils but

Not sure that solic and mist offed themselves since what scum goes to kill Eli


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Well we could actually use NKA if it’s a scumkill whereas town kill sdoes jackshit

Eli was 100% off’d by Town
Stop discussing it

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Eli was prob vigged

If Eli was vigged you think that scum killed Solic then

Which makes 0 sense

Mist -> Eli
Scum -> Mist
???Claimvig??? -> Solic

Unless you think it’s exactly

Mist killed Eli
Scum attacked Mist

and then you have a missing NK when solic never claimed

Why would scum visit Eli

He’s prime misexe material

He had a wagon despite claiming joat already

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Eli isn’t prime misexe material


he’s fmpov 100% spewed town from this eod

Well we don’t know how their claimvig works
Or Solic could be in a neighborhood or something and they baited out his claim
I think it was the claimvig

I literally don’t see why he would be killed by scum

Yeah ok that theory is terrible though

feel like this is more like it
tinfoil says slankvig but eh

Their claimvig could be like ‘Select a target and guess protective/killing/occuper’ ect.

Yeah he didn’t claim
Neutral Killer, maybe?

Because he’s spewed V and they have a roleblocker