Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Why me?
Am I so extremely hilarious that you can’t resist slapping a little green label on me

I’m at the mercy of the power of the rat :pensive:

Tbh I just thought you felt really comfortable in thread, I’ve liked a lot of your flows and can follow most of your thought processes.

Vul has played with Eevee before lmao

It’s all going to plan
I asked not only because my huge ego, it just doesn’t seem a popular opinion to hold


Did no one read Rat’s Guide to Reading Eevee?
He does stupid nonsensical sh** as either alignment.
I guess if pressured I’d say the best way to read him is to closely compare his recent games for micro/macro reads and stuff but it sounds like a lot of work I can’t be bothered to do rn

Vul is wolf reading Eevee for something he knows full well is NAI

I mean, Vul didn’t evaluate their alignment either? He’s pushing Eevee for something that’s like widely known to be NAI for Eevee

If my little rat paws were to place a pistol at your head how would you read Leafia?

I’m about 90% confident on town Eevee

Probably with some thoughts™
GTH scum

More on this :eyes:

Retracting the hardclaim?


For multiple reasons

Just sheep me :upside_down_face:


Rat will board the sheep train if you answer this
You claim masons with eevee, is that alone not enough for a concrete townread?

Reread my claim and come back to my with that one

Btw what’s ur opinion about my Vul read on Eevee

Here’s what rat thinks
I think Vul is frustrated with eevee that he keeps playing like this and wants him to actually do more to further the gamestate and be more easily readable. I don’t think Vul is pressuring eevee because he scumreads eevee but he’s pressuring him to actually get better content from the slot?

I’d have to read Vul’s post again though I could easily be substituting my own thoughts here

Iv come to the conclusion that this was worded like shit

I assume you still understand