Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)


You believe in person who said they are not sure about theirs check anymore.

Yes, I believe that you jumping on me without a single explanation, over ā€œeevee said truthā€ check and being adamant itā€™s bad isā€¦ bad.

Prove me wrong.

/vote ArcticXI @CRichard564 @Wazza

changed my mind
#reasons convinced me that i could be wrong about gorta here

Accused Voters Count
ArcticXI AtNoName, eevee, Nightingale, an_gorta_pratai, sculptordwarf, KyoDaz, PKR 7/10
an_gorta_pratai Centuries, ArcticXI, astand, rat, min, Vulgard, YouButWorse 7/10
Centuries Leafia 1/10
Vulgard ClonedCheese 1/10
Not voting dota, TrustworthyLiberal, Light 3

Hereā€™s the deal, you suspected me for my TL vote (when I explained it) and then I explain my EoD and it;s never good enough

Let it rand

ok w flip would be pog

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I can do so when there is not 1 minute left of a day.

Vul is now voting Arctic

I donā€™t consider your explanation was good but whatever now.

Goodnight bois

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glgl I donā€™t have much faith

do NOT let it rand

Accused Voters Count
ArcticXI AtNoName, eevee, Nightingale, an_gorta_pratai, sculptordwarf, KyoDaz, PKR, Vulgard 8/10
an_gorta_pratai Centuries, ArcticXI, astand, rat, min, YouButWorse 6/10
Centuries Leafia 1/10
Vulgard ClonedCheese 1/10
Not voting dota, TrustworthyLiberal, Light 3

Stop talking and voting. Day 2 has ended.

The day came to a close andā€¦the player voted was ArcticXIā€¦

You grabbed his card and the name was almost impossible to make out, along with the picture being completely blurred. You couldnā€™t understand his roleā€¦What was heā€¦? You felt like you would never find out until calling from the east, everyone shouted them over to the country once more. Thatā€™s when it was noticed.

In the pocket of ArcticXI was a copy of Karl Marxā€™s book on Communism, along with a sign saying ā€œBeginners guide to Communism.ā€, in the dying embers you had finally realised what ArcticXI was, it was a sad sight however, it was better than having a Communist state nearby.

ArcticXI has been executed! They were:

Night 2 has begun and will end at 2020-12-07T21:00:00Z , deadline for actions would be 2020-12-07T20:30:00Z .


2020-12-06T00:00:00Z ā†’ 2020-12-07T21:00:00Z. Deadline for actions is 2020-12-06T00:00:00Z ā†’ 2020-12-07T20:30:00Z

dates are horrible on phone. Night 2 has begun like CRich said

@Whysper has replaced in for dota.

Reminder not to discuss the nature of replacements.


Reminder that night actions are locked in 12 hours on 2020-12-07T20:30:00Z