Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Greetings Eevee :slight_smile:

Hey PKR.

Hi eevee and pkr

(say hi back)

hi back

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Hi Eevee
Hi Min

Hope you are all well

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We are all well.

I’m doing fine.
So, Eevee. What did you do last night?

I was watching you tracking me last night.

No… no you weren’t.

You didn’t track me last night?


Also i got nothing useful last night FYI

I tracked you to YoubutWorse.

Yeah, as I said, I know, and?

Dude, you visited a night kill.
Yet your action claim was seeing me tracking you.

There’s a contradiction here.

As I said, I know you were tracking me last night, so you won’t catch me off guard.

So mostly you just outed yourself.

Ha, touché.
But, the claimvig is dead and so is the scum backup role.
So, I have no reason to be afraid.

You visited the night kill. Vul also got the result of you having a gun.
This adds up to you having killed someone.

Explain yourself.

PKR, claimed killed who was checked to have a gun visited dead person.

I think you can add stuff up?

So, explain yourself.
What are you and why did you kill them?

PKR, I knew you tracked me.
I knew you tracked me to a kill.
I knew you know I can kill.

What are you expecting me to say more?