Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

it wasn’t exactly consensus either

so are you advocating for Light town or Light wolf then?

My vote on light was to see if he flip wolf or NK.

doing this in the morning was probably a bad idea.

remember that astand hard wolfsided generally speaking and didn’t push his partners
him protecting light would be in line with that type of play
i’m advocating for light wolf here
that’s why he’s in poe

your point about whysper is also notable but the reason i don’t want to push whysper yet is because i want her to post things since her slot has been potatoing the whole game and she might be able to redeem it if it’s town
light has posted plenty but has never really impressed me with his takes and his first readpost felt like he was trying too hard to have as many reads as possible (and many of them were hedgy)
not sure if i said it at the time (i should have), but i’m reiterating it now

I mean its comes down to seeing dota as a bus target or a misyeet target.

from astand’s POV that is

astand has pushed a lot of flipped villagers and a lot of people who were spewed v

notably he didn’t really push nightingale or eevee last eod when these were viable options
he talked about disliking the potatoing dota slot multiple times but never pushed it either

so from that, it would probably be misyeet target.

Did you see them in the last game on this site?

Not this time, we have a town win streak, let’s keep it going

My POE now is currently PKR/Min/Cloned/Gorta/Light.

I kinda want to see all mafia gone before NK since we are on a roll with mafia currently.

It’ll also be nice if we get NK.

Night? Lol??

Why am I placed in your poe and then you state that you townread me because of arctic

i don’t really care which type of scum we get i’m just scared of nk winning the game again

can you explain that

For reasons I won’t tell.

Because my PoE is usually very broad (I don’t know how typical this is), with I consider anyone under ~90% chance of flipping villager, combined with the fact that I’m slightly wary of spew in general.

I’m especially wary of any reads made specifically from Astand spew, because Astand is a skilled player and probably knows and can manipulate the most basic spewreading behaviours when their target is not actively on the block.
I do agree though that Light hasn’t been villagery in general.

so any opinions?

I need some breakfast and I will get there

my initial read on Cents was correct though