Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

if he had kp before joining the scumteam, he would peek as “can kill”
otherwise he would peek as “cannot kill”
after joining the scumteam he always peeks as “can kill” because he presumably has access to factional
unless tailored

he feels more involved with the current wagons which is why i actually liked his commentary on them some time ago in the thread

You are 100% sure that’s how it works?

Also - 2 more questions - day vig and arsonist.

day vig counts as a killing action so yes

not sure about arsonist because its primary action technically isn’t a kill, i’ll ask
i also haven’t asked about solic’s role which is a weird fringe case

i still don’t know why you find these questions relevant but whatever


Ask for all of those, not just arsonist.
Stop being lazy.

I need a 100% correct answer.

i’d just like to know why you care but i’ve just asked

i basically don’t think this is going anywhere
but if it is going somewhere then enlighten me

Setup solving mostly.
It eliminates a lot of possibilities in killer-heavy setup. And creates even more of them.

Also one more question - what would happen if you checked USA after they run out of bullets?

asked that as well
it might be a while before i get the answer though

Okay, answer this:
Why the fuck would I do that as a wolf when

  1. I had already acknowledged that they were a mason claim
  2. it wasn’t exactly hidden in general so no way it was ever getting wagoned

Vulgard, setup was created around having like…4-8 town killers, mafia with own killers, possible NK.

If answers are ever bit different then what you expect, it might change a lot of possibilities.

honestly that’s a fair reason why you’re asking me these questions
i’m not great at mechsolving though, especially in mashes, so i’m gonna need help with that one

instinctive attempt to broaden the poe
i don’t think it’s impossible for mafia to make such a mistake
meanwhile a townie most likely wouldn’t default to something that could be read as “leafia is scummy too!!!”

anyway i got my answers and i think i understand how this works now
if your role can kill other players in any way, you get peeked as can kill, except if you’re out of shots

in other words

dayvig peeks as can kill
arsonist peeks as can kill
solic’s role peeks as can kill
but a vig with 0 shots peeks as cannot kill

And you really think I’m that bad at mafia that I would automatically go for the mason claim that I was talking about three posts prior

did you talk about the claim before writing the post? can you point me to where it happened?

i figured that was how it worked anyway but now i have “official confirmation”


actually yeah you did mention mason
for some reason i thought you were talking about eevee in that post?

Also I directly interacted with her and mentioned it