Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

in Deus Ex 4 Min had an obvious change in tone and they started pushing someone hard

I haven’t, could you link it?

Weren’t they converted there?

Accused Voters Count
Clonedcheese Vulgard, ATNoName, Light, rat, PKR, an_gorta_pratai 6/8
Light Leafia, Nightingale, min, Whysper 4/8
Not Voting Eevee, TrustworthyLiberal, Clonedcheese, KyoDaz 4

Which do you think has more merit in solving min’s alignment
Do you put more stock in the macro-read encompassing min’s general style or the micro-reads where you think there are several posts that are highly unlikely in a w!min world?

The post this is quoting
Am on phone

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Considering the final read, I think you know

I wanted to hear you say it
The post was more for myself to use as a checkpoint later when I take on the task of a min iso in the night

Yeah, but I feel their town would be similar to them as scum



This has nothing in here, I promise
I said I promise
Seriously, stop.

I’m putting more faith in the macro read, yes.


Don’t know why you spoilered it there was nothing there

But why’d you check if I said stop

I do what I want
Human desire is driven by fits of illogical emotion

Have you seen what I look like
I never left monke :pensive:

Also 10 minutes left of class

Picking the Trochi cover back up
“oh it’s okay light don’t listen to yourself you’re beautiful :blue_heart:

Oh god what have I done
i’m throwing that back to the ground

“Mood but no”

@Aelin I’ll try to take a closer look at min overnight

You just made my entire nervous system reset