Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

they were hoping we’d hammer early so i wouldn’t be able to speak about it and lose 1 night

I was dealing with my partner going back home to his family’s place and I had to do a lot of housework to make sure everything is in tip top condition.

So, that’s why I was less active.
Also trying to fight back self doubts in my reading ability, which caused me to want to disappear.

Per Vul being bled: Fuck.

so that’s great
a slow death
i guess they want to make me suffer

i guess it could be fake but eh

I mean, at the same time it might mean you are alive a bit longer and that’s not exactly a bad thing.
If we try and see some positives.

That’s a b*tch move

it’s better than getting nightkilled but also
pretty :wowee: timing

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I’ll consider what this means for the threadstate that wolves don’t want you dead immediately overnight
Probably nothing good

i don’t understand why nobody has been bled this entire time until now

it’s eod3 and it’s the first bleed of the game
why not earlier

Why was vul targeted

Final readlist in case I die to this vote or tonight





Kinda just… confused in general on PKR, ATN, and TL’s slots, and will most definitely take a deeper look at them if I can

If I die, my n2 was dota


because i’m town
that’s the obvious answer
the choice of target doesn’t really concern me
the timing does

Imagine bleeding your foes instead of just dropping a nuke on them lmfao

a part of me wants to cfd for that reason
we have 5 minutes

They wanted the bleed silenced is what it tells me.
Scum needed to put you on a clock.

I am trying to think of NKA in advance but that’s a TON of preflipping.

Like I said Eevee can’t be NK unless I got deceived.

Glad to see we’re on the same track
Question is, who?

i’m not sure if i feel spicy enough for that
it feels like cfding is more likely to hit town than not
but the fact i was bled now bothers me immensely

and even then, Eevee is most likely not NK