Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Oh, just realized that this borders on getting political, so probably shouldn’t say more :slight_smile:

So day 2 day vig, day 3 bleed.

Hey Soviet Union, what do you have hidden for today?

Eevee, so do you believe the bleed on Vul was done by Kyo like he says?

I believe that it’s some KP joat actually.

Like a town KP joat you mean?

Like Soviet Union Joat I mean.

I feel like town would’ve claimed by now

Especially the bleed on vul

It’s union after all.

So it could use powers of different united nations.

Oh, hmmm. I assume Soviet Union would be mafia. So you think mafia did the bleed? I mean, I suppose that’s possible too. Would it make a difference if the bleed was done by mafia or NK?

Nah, soviet union is definetly town


Ahhh, then they should just claim the bleed and get town locked :slight_smile:

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But I guess back to my question. Does it make a difference whether the bleed was done by mafia or NK?

Hmmm, it does.

Okay, I assume it would be somewhere in the area of who thinks Vul is a threat. So you are thinking it’s more likely that mafia is threatened by him. Or maybe not. Maybe just he’s fairly town read and just someone to eliminate. Though it seems somewhat odd that they wouldn’t have used it earlier.

I would think mafia would bleed someone like Vul D1, or D2 if they couldn’t D1. The only reason to hold back on a bleed would be to keep from hitting the NK since they might want to keep that extra killing power earlier.

That’s why I assume that’s it killing joat.

Oh, I’m not sure I understand what that means exactly. So does that mean they have 1-shot of a few killing methods and used other methods first so couldn’t do the bleed until now?

That explains day vig on day 2, doesn’t it?

Ahhh true. They have different day abilities but can only use one at a time. Maybe couldn’t do anything D1. Then did the dayvig D2. Then the bleed D3. Ahhh that does make some sense.

So they still might have something for this day yet