Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I murdered a person with my cooking, absolutely.
Do you have any questions for me min because this entire thing is Vulgard’s paranoia and conf bias

why do you think that

vul was uh bled…like the timing, and vul being bled themselves.

Who would bleed vul?

And… n3?

Change your profile picture to uk or losooer

I apologize, but I don’t find those examples convincing. I can’t really explain why? I just don’t exactly see them as openly villagery.
I’m not good at actually casing people.

If I was NK why would I want eevee to live when they’re a top NK suspect (at the time)
And how would I know 6 Town KP very likely existed and Vulgard’s argument against eevee that ‘4 Town KP was too much’ was bullshit if I didn’t know I was town vig as well

Added a player successfully, which is how Vulgard confirmed my ability.

I don’t know how I’m supposed to know exactly who bled Vul and why when I didn’t do either of those things
It could’ve been either faction but I don’t care who bled Vul because the answer to that is whoever randed the bleed and I have 0 clue about the rand

I’m asking on ur opinion not the exact answer

… interesting.

Was it you or vulgard who suggested who to add?

And I’m asking you how I’m supposed to have a clue who bled Vulgard only on the evidence they were bled
Anyone could’ve done it because he’s the most townread player

Oh, I thought you were talking about Gorta. Defending Eevee on early D3 is largely inconsequential in the long term. We don’t know what your read on them would be now if they weren’t close to mech-confirmed.
The 6 limited TKs can come from mechanics experience regardless of alignment?

Vulgard, largely.
I’m glad I didn’t invite Kyo because then hood chat would probably be a mess right now~

Okay that’s the long term because they were mech cleared now but why does it matter that they’re mech cleared now when I had no motivation to defend them as NK in that instance when they’re top suspect for it?

I’ve played a minimum of like, 15 games.


I’m going to smite you

You asked for my opinion and you got it

I know

I just am cringe and keep asking people dumb questions

eevee what’s the rand

Your motivation could very well have been that you thought they were legitimately townie, and you didn’t think about them being the top NK candidate until afterwards. When I play as wolf, I certainly don’t think long-term for every read I make.
I don’t really want to argue with you? I just want to explain how I think.