Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Not “could”, but “we know they are lying”.

And since they are lying they might as well be nk you search for or just mafia.

Eother way - ¥out this.

Is that realechanic or you just came yup with it?

It’s a 7v4 now. If we kill Whysper, and they flip Mafia, then Eevee shoots TL and Light blocks Kyo maybe? (Light has a shot left if I remember correctly)
If Kyo is the NK and not roleblock immune, then we end up in a worst case 4v2, with Vulgard, Min, and probably Leafia dying.
If either Kyo isn’t the NK, or the NK is roleblock immune, then we end up in a worst case 3v2.

Or we just… not block Kyo?

Since even if you are right, for them to not be lynched next, they need to try to kill scum?
And if you are wrong, they also want to kill scum?

That is.
A fair point.

The idea here is that you’re mechanically locked to be scum
Tell me why it isn’t so

We can vote out Whysper, make Kyo desperado TL, and Eevee shoots either Gorta or Me.
If Kyo is the NK and the person between Gorta/me flips villager, we get into a 4v2. I’m going to run all the numbers assuming that Min doesn’t die.
if Kyo isn’t the NK, we get into a 3v2 worst case scenario, which is slightly problematic?

The most viable theories I’m entertaining right now is that Gorta is a second lost wolf.
If that’s not the case, I have no clue. There’s an extremely slim chance that Min is faking their claim?
I’m just focusing the wolves for now.

If you want a crappy argument as to why I’m not a pack wolf that probably won’t sell you, I gave myself an easy out to vote Gorta at EoD2, and didn’t take it. Furthermore, I’m arguing for hunting wolves here instead of hunting the NK.

From my PoV, 1 - you might have not realized gorta was going to be an issue, and hoped for a ML
2 - you’re trying to keep yourself alive at any cost

Fair enough.

I object, unless we get a wolf out today

/vote TrustworthyLiberal @Wazza @CRichard564 I’m going to park my vote here while I go to sleep because their claim is worse than my claim in Fire Emblem.
And for the love of god don’t listen to Vulgard regurgitating his conspiracy theory that relies on me being omniscent and having a rampage

I mean, I obviously also object to a shot on myself if it could make us lose the game.
We almost certainly get a wolf out today if we wolfhunt, though.

If you want to kill Mafia, vote Whysper instead. You can desperado TL tonight.

Couldn’t me and eevee nor just doubleteam Whysper anyway

what’s your case on Whysper?

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I’m more confident on TL as well being scum than Whysper

I should be here for EOD anyway since it’s at 9pm and it’s 8am right now
As I said before my sleeping pattern is :star:broken :star:

Is that a thing? I’m used to 1-Shot Bulletproofs surviving through 2 shots on the same night.