Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Because I am the best player at reading Leafia period
I’ve watched their play over my games I’ve hosted as well
Find me a better person and then come talk to me
I have a synergy with people who spew nonsense



The audacity.

Maybe I’m leaving the thread because it’s 1 am on a weekday. I should have left 3 hours ago, because I have a job interview tomorrow, but wanted to check in a bit here.

/detonate Solic

Is an ability I do not have

hello there

I finished working on my first instrumental since 2016th.


Are you a wolf

Clarify role was
Cursed Miller.
1/6 chance to convert to a mafia role i didn’t know what it was.
Ended up being Cannoner which was i could store faction kills and use them all at a later night.
(But we had a role to make our faction kill a sudo convert which was a day vig that just converted you if you shot it.)

Closer to a fox.

Like eevee is kinda foxish pokemon.

Notes: Eli’s opening readlist looks forced, and I feel he was being overly self-conscious by stating that the reads were made via Eevee feels slightly awkward in his post about anti-claim. Min’s opener seems rushed. Cheese’s Mist vote is objectively terrible. The reasoning is also poor, and isn’t backed up. Liking astand. Centuries asking if Eevee is a lost wolf is meh, but not terrible by itself. Eli self-meta. YoubutWorse feels somewhat comfortable in thread, but I didn’t read the Pokemon 9’er yet. Centuries doesn’t look like he’s legitimately trying. TL feels weird, and if there’s anything I’ve learned, people who feel weird are scum. Solic gets a headpat for 271, but no cred. rat feels like they’re an odd mixture of trying to sound like a newer player whilst being an older player, which, if true, is objectively scummy imo. Leafia is oddly null, and I’m just gonna keep an eye on her. PKR’s “quick” reads don’t quite feel right. It seems like he’s just going for something, and then trying to justify it. For example, the read on Ami. Kyo feels good, but not wonderful.

I think you’re mistaken. It’s

It’s also 1am and I’m going to sleep bye

decent post pls format better



Those were literally just my thoughts for the first 600 posts
wasn’t trying too hard

If you know me well you would know early votes are actually werid from me most recent games i play have actually had me no vote or vote very late but leave i would vote here. Due to my werid sleep i can never for sure unvote in case of hammering so better to usally not vote till the end of a day phase.
And my homesite uses closed votes and vote after day ends so follow that mostly in form.

Come on light you’ve played with me what else would you call how i play other then werid.


just in case taking my vote off
mainly because I dont got the time do pressure/push people rn so im just gonna get rid of my vote and then reread the thread later

answer me

Ride or die?

I wouldn’t say that this sort of “weird” is anything close to how you normally feel odd. For example, you linked NUF FM earlier, and in NUF, you didn’t feel anything like this. More important, though, is that NUF was months ago.

In NUF i was mafia

why did you only ping 10 people