Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

TL should be the vig shot tonight. Stacking kills is a bad idea, since Kyo loses accountability for the kill if Whysper isn’t actually bulletproof, or has an out to claim the existence mafia roleblocker on Eevee if they are. I think there are too many ways this could go wrong, and most of them have to do with Kyo not having sole accountability for a kill.
I agree that TL should die ASAP, but I think Whysper is a better vote here.

And I think that when you have outed scum, you vote out outed scum.

Especially that scum pretty much has to have some kind of protective role (tho bulltproof works) in game with so many viges and possible NK.

Fair, I guess from my point of view, Whysper is nearly as likely mafia as TL? That probably influences my choices. I’m still uncomfortable calling mech shots on vigging Whysper.

I’d probably vote TL though, since I don’t really want to think too hard abou it.

because he’s been spewed not groupscum but can still be nk

it’s not a fucking conspiracy theory
i am so frustrated

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stop calling my massive fucking case a conspiracy theory

i am 100% convinced kyo is nk, i have already said why, and i want him dead today

if he doesn’t die today he never dies because you won’t push him and then you will lose the game

and i will not have myself to blame for it

leave tl/whysper/nightingale/whoever the hell for tomorrow
kill the nk today and reduce kp

and stop fucking zeroing in on the few weaker points in my theory when everything else exists and you’re just ignoring it for reasons

the thing is
you were more than willing to cfd to kyo last eod
but now you don’t want to vote him for some reason, even though a case on him currently exists
is it because he claimed vig? because if so, then that’s not a good reason to think he’s town, since as nk he has full freedom to claim a kill. especially a kill on mafia, since that makes him look good

Still no.

stop fucking dismissing my kyo case as paranoia i have just noticed this
i have pointed to multiple pieces of evidence that support my theory

it’s not me being a godawful villager and trying to push someone out of paranoia as my last bit of legacy in this game
it’s me trying to kill the neutral killer whose survival may lose us the game if mafia + nk split kills tonight and i die to bleed and eevee shoots town

i write a massive and detailed case on kyodaz being nk, point to multiple pieces of evidence surrounding it, point to what his mindset would be and why other people are nk

the response is that it’s paranoia and a conspiracy theory

i don’t know what to say to you
but that’s so wrong
how do you look at that post and go “it’s paranoia lol ignore this”

Becouse I’m not gonna chase any case if I have mod confirmed scum to begin with.

who is mod confirmed scum

TL is.

then vig tl tonight but kill the nk today to reduce kp

And TL cannot be NK becouse?

and if tl doesn’t die then his claim is fake or mafia have a roleblocker and he dies tomorrow

Vulgard, point is we already know his claim is fake and you are again derailing the thread.

because nk never claims watcher/md/tracker on d1
the risk of it being contradicted is too high