Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

well i don’t need to convince you
i just need to convince the majority of people alive so

I know that killing Kyo is a gambit here, but I’m willing to risk a lot on taking it here. The payout for this is pretty huge if we guess correctly, and we don’t even necessarily lose the game immediately if we’re wrong, if the NK kills Mafia to keep their numbers down.

Which, isn’t a good thing to bet on, but still.

it’s not really a gambit since there’s so much evidence for it

I can convince them that you are mafia role cop who checked Kyo as NK.
And that’s why you are so focused on protecting outed scum and so sure about Kyo being NK.

Do we really want to go that way?

last time i thought someone was nk i caved in to pressure, voted someone i knew was mafia, and guess what happened? we voted out the mafia, but i died and nk won the game next

i am not letting that happen again just because eevee is calling me a conspiracy theorist and trying his best to tilt me for this entire day phase

yeah sure whatever you say
i’m literally self-resolving
you’d be wasting your time

Vulgard, so far all your great pushes in this game were a failure.

Just… stop.

You are only derailing this game.

how am i protecting outed scum if i’m asking you to shoot them

nice of you to ignore my push on arctic day 1

You are not self resolving?

/vote KyoDaz @Wazza @CRichard564
I fully accept all criticism from other town members for this play. I’ve said before that this is a risk. If the majority of townies don’t want to take that risk, then it won’t end up mattering.

i die to bleed tonight

i was bled yesterday and nobody claims healer
i’m 100% confirmed dead tonight

You CLAIM you die to bleed.

And you admited yourself that tonight town may lose majority.

So like, thank you for “Self resolving” if it can lead to losing.

since i know i’m dead town tonight, i’m trying to kill the nk because that reduces nontown kp and minimizes the chances of town losing

literally what would be the point of me fakeclaiming that during last eod
what does it do

Explain why cop is still alive to begin with.

what cop
i’ve used both my shots already and have no remaining abilities
mechanically i’m an absolute non-threat

And noone except me is even trying to challange your leadership.

Mostly becouse you reinforced own position this way.

i’m town and i don’t see that as a problem
i’m trying my best to get another nontown before i die
that’s what i’ve been doing this entire day phase

and i’ve also been trying to craft a winning poe which is why i handed out clears left and right so that you’d have a pool of people you can always trust when i’m gone