Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Okay, Light was right about Vul all along. Interesting. I’m pretty sure Eevee was also seeing this, though at the same time he was wrong about Kyo.

I believe a village win is possible here. Actually we have a really good chance if we do this carefully. Make sure we review everyone again today. Back read all the interactions with scum. Use this time wisely and we never hammer. Village for me would be Leafia, Nightgale, and Rat in that order. I would put PoE order currently as TL, Gorta, and Min, then I guess Light if we somehow don’t get both scum by then. Going to get some stuff done this morning for work now, but should have some time this afternoon for this.

Ah yes

This is omgus right Joy cat

Mafia must of done a good job killing every active person

Ah okay. Good to know.

Yeah, I can see a TL/Whysper world admittedly. I think we have this won boys. As long as we don’t screw this up royally. /vote TL @Wazza

Accused Voters Count
TrustworthyLiberal min, Leafia 2/5
Not voting Nightingale, Whysper, Light, an_gorta_pratai, TrustworthyLiberal, rat 6

Phone’s on 3%, but everything Vulgard did after being bled should be considered anti-spew

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Basically, my PoE is TL -> Whysper - min/Nightingale -> rat -> gorta

I think TL flips scum 9 times out of 10. I’d like to hear his night action, though.

gorta being higher than rat is lol

Rat has done well, but gorta is so heavily spewed by dead scum it’s crazy.

That’s fair enough

Can you give us a list of who you’ve used your ability on?

n1 ybw
n2 leafia
n3 light
n4 rat

Okay, did you say that earlier and I missed it?

Also, why did you choose rat?

They’re decently townread, wouldn’t that put them at greater chance of death?

I hid behind them because although they are highly townread, I guessed that mafia would kill eevee due to lolvig

And why’d you do that instead of confirming someone in PoE?