Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

solar flare from pvz heroes

Accused Voters Count
Leafia Solic, Centuries, min, AtNoName 4/13
clonedcheese TrustworthyLiberal, astand, EliThePsycho 3/13
TrustworthyLiberal Mistyx 1/13
Vulgard sculptordwarf 1/13
Mistyx clonedcheese 1/13
Centuries Leafia 1/13
Not voted Vulgard, Ami, Dota, PKR, Light, WindwardAway, ArcticXI, Majora, an_gorta_pratai, Eevee, rat, KyoDaz, YouButWorse 13

Heyo dota.

Busy with Uni stuff, gaming when I have the time.
Atm doing some housework for wolfy and watching to expose any contradictions.

nice pick

is pvz heroes good? or is it riddled with microtransactions like pvz 2

for some reason her fanart is incredibly cursed, iā€™ve seen a lot of weird shit while searching for the avi

pvz heroes is pretty good, kind of like hearthstone so you can play it without using money but itā€™s still kind of pay to win

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you can pay to win or you can be me and win with the most BS RNG deck possible

(i main solar flare)

ok past 1 hour catchup post real quick

light wallpost
lots of the points are just either, either hella hedgy or just stating w leaning reads on people, even the v reads are very hedgy, I also struggle to see him as someone who comes into thread and just says he kinda thinks everyone is semi scummy, doesnt feel like heā€™s trying to solve peopleā€™s alignment and heā€™s just putting w reads for the sake of it, its not 'w reads" its more so, pointing things that make people look worse but it doesnt come off to me as him just, trying to find town basically

vs the single read that truly comes off as faithful

gortaā€™s catchup post is so small and like, he just doesnā€™t do anything

if this is softing, go ahead but like, itā€™s kinda what happens every game in between us for some reason

also like im quoting this but, thereā€™s really nothing which isnā€™t like, unusual for gorta (i mean usually he at least has content) but this is very barebones catchup wise

Leafia does this thing where, I donā€™t know what it means for her alignment (Leafiaā€™s, not Kyoā€™s here) but basically, she will attach herself to whoever trā€™s her and it really comes off to me as veryyy not pro-town and maybe even scummy? Like I didnā€™t plan on trying to have a sensible argument with Leafia coming into this game but this is very ā€œhe called me a w read so i wont engage with him and ill just shade him 24/7 while calling him out for shading me and i will attach myself to whoever trs meā€ which is what she did last game

uh basically

im not shading you

i think youā€™re scum still, for real, not shading, im expressing my read

also this point is very bad and like, i think makes cheese look worse, in the past, i wouldve said this was a better look for cheese (as leafia says herself, she will buss a lot, but having seen her last scumgame she will sometimes just hard v read scummates and in a not (at all) discrete way) which basically, she kinda did the same thing in enemy within 3 with seth so like, i think it makes cheese look kinda worse i imagine)

I kinda changed my thoughts halfway through into my Leafia point

uh you could apply what i said about cheese to kyo

but i dont think its as likely for it to be w/w (i dont want to be doing associative reads but here we are)

Centuries, consider the following: those were observances <600 posts in. Iā€™m merely stating what I saw.

Iā€™m not about to commit to the idea that Eli is lockscum for saying he used

Why did you already have a formed opinion? Could you truly have been so confident in a read?

Also, the irony of hedging in a post about hedging.

anything going on rn

lightā€™s readspost being hedgy doesnā€™t concern me tbh

Well I still find it odd your observations are 90% negative leaning ones meanwhile you have 1 clear V read out of 600 posts and around 15 or so observations

The thing you think is weird about the Eli readlist is the fact it was made with random org instead of it being forced? What? How is your read made then

My first draft of this post completely ignored Kyoā€™s alignment meanwhile I went on a tangent about what Leafiaā€™s post meant for Cheeseā€™s alignment if my read on Leafia is correct


Itā€™s not me being hedgy

I never come up with a positive outtake of this post

My original take was that your observations were read which isnā€™t factual so I explained that your post technically barely had any reads in it

Also you not voicing out a w read on me when you probably think that Iā€™m W from your pov at least, seeing what you said about my posts

is kinda


itā€™s moreso the content thats problematic imo

Rat has indeed bombed their calculus but oh well

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Going to catch up now

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solar flare GOAT

actually found yet another poggers tell for someone i play often with
