Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

i’ll bribe y’all with uhh pasta or some shit
get it
cause i’m @Italy
yes pinging him is the funniest way to claim idc


smfoocoawlgo. ooswiekfoxla

one of you cowards vote me

to whichever one of you is the scum
fuck u for putting me in this position
i’d never been mislynched before

this fuckign blows
oh well

i already left neighborhood since i thought i could self vote
oh well
it b like that sometimes

i’m lonely

i haven’t eaten all day

pls hammer me before i get back

I’m a bit busy right now, sorry.

well you’re already voting me
so it’s fine ig


General vibe mostly. If Rat flips town and I survive tonight, I’ll be ISOing both Gorta and Nightingale to see what I can gleen from their ISOs. In order to do that though, we need Rat’s flip first. /vote Rat @Wazza

Silence, that’s hammer

Accused Voters Count
rat Nightingale, Whysper, Leafia 3/3
Not voting an_gorta_pratai, rat 2

The day has ended with rat being selected for execution. Unfortunately you realise too late after doing research that Italy was siding with the capitalists.

Rat was Italy

While the days of your might golden era as both the Roman Empire and Fascist Italy may be over, there’s a new threat that you are aware of. The Communists had began taking over Europe and with the Eastern Bloc knocking on your door, you had no choice but to join the Marshal Plan. Luckily for you, you only lost your colonies during the second world war and wasn’t divided into Communists and Capitalists. Instead you’re sticking to your own path, even if you’re involved in some sort of Capitalism. While this may be true, you’re still extremely knowledgeable.

At the end of each night, you will receive a random piece of mechanical information about the game. You can only receive each information once. Your information will get more powerful as the game goes on.

Your goal is to defeat Communism and any other nations that stand to harm Capitalism.

Night 6 has started and will end in 24 hours 2020-12-18T03:30:00Z or earlier if everyone votes to skip the night.

Night 6 has ended early after a unanimous vote to end the night early.

Leafia has died last night.

They were Portugal

Your border with your fellow friend, Spain has been unchanged for almost 800 years. You two have gotten so close that if anything were to happen to the other, you’d try and convince and help each other, even when your brother turned Fascist, you were always there by their side. And now, you two will stick together during the cold war.

You share a Mason with Spain who is sculptordwarf, you also know that they are a fellow Capitalist .

Your goal is to defeat Communism .* and any other nations that stand to harm Capitalism …*

Day 7 has started and the game is now in LyLo. Also votes are locked.

It will end in 48 hours 2020-12-19T20:41:00Z or earlier if someone gets majority votes at 2 or it’s impossible for the capitalists to win.



No, no, no, not good. Now I feel so bad for MLing Troch. :frowning:

And why did I have to be the one left? :frowning:

I’m getting ready in the morning, but I’ll check back again later. I’ll need time to think this through anyway.

Okay, well, the thread is still dead. I guess that’s to be expected. I think both town and scum aren’t quite sure anymore what’s going to happen.

Anyway, assuming we continue with our plan we had just in case it came to this, I guess I’ll be the one making the final decision. So might as well get started sooner than later. I hope that you both will be getting involved later.


So the way I see it, there’s no mech info confirming Gorta. His claim itself is kind of suspicious. Morocco sounds like some extra country given as a fake claim for scum. The role to check if a flip is altered is easily fakeable. And actually looking at the flipped scum, the one with the role that altered anything just says they alter investigations at night. Nothing about changing the flip.

Nightgale has the neighborhood role. We did see that Vul was in the neighborhood and was scum, so we know scum aren’t excluded. The assumption was that it is unlikely more than one scum would be included in the neighborhood, but I don’t think that can be accepted so readily anymore. It still does give a bit more mech credibility to Nightingale over Gorta.

Conclusion: Mech favors Nightingale over Gorta.


Nightgale has seemed more invested in solving than Gorta overall this game. Though Gorta doesn’t really do a whole lot as town despite saying he’ll be doing more. Admittedly looking through his ISO, it does appear he was involved a bit more than usual. However, his activity has dropped off quite a bit towards the end here. I suppose everyone’s has, but seems more stark for Gorta. This makes me wonder if he’s kind of given up and just hoping to squeak by somehow.

Conclusion: Solving investment favors Nightingale over Gorta.


For D1, the Majora cuddle was random between 2 tied V wagons. Gorta was on one of the wagons, but Ami (Nightingale’s slot) didn’t vote despite being there for EoD.


For D2, this was the interesting vote between Arctic and Gorta. It has been assumed that this spewed Gorta as town. And this is really the only thing going for him. Nightingale did vote for Arctic , the scum flip. Gorta did as well, though his makes sense anyway because of self-pres. I’ll come back to this vote timeline later another post.


For D3, the wagons were both V (ClonedCheese and Light ) as well. Gorta voted for Cloned , who was ML’d. Min was on that wagon as well. Nightingale was on Light’s wagon. So this be seen as Nightingale avoiding the V wagon. Vul had avoided either wagon by voting for Kyo instead. So did the scum split their votes? Or did Min and W!Gorta for some reason pile on Cloned ? I can’t think of any reason scum would particularly care about killing Cloned over Light .


So for D1 to D3, Nightingale’s slot avoided voting on both town flips (and where the wagons were between 2 towns). This looks a lot like TMI on town flips and wanting to avoid being on those wagons. Gorta voted on both town flips.

Conclusion: Voting favors Gorta over Nightingale (both directly and from spew).

this is a really good post btw, but I will make a thing casing Nightingale myself

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