Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

This is Arctic’s first wolfgame?
Serious props in terms of spew

You could only argue that I am groupscum based on my claim. How am I a lost wolf? Arctic’s role makes my claim look legitimate, so I would have to be damn lucky and guess or be groupscum if I am mafia. I don’t think lost wolves get fake claims

You only claimed after Arctic flipped, right?

I can tell you that Vul and Min were trying to pocket me. I am incredibly easy to pocket when someone is defending me against the masses.

before (after which point Min voted me)

Literally no one believed my claim

In claiming a role that checks if a flip was altered that would require co-ordination or serious planning. Most people don’t get that lucky. I think the fact that I was pushed by the entire scum team hard clears me of being group scum.

I’m going to leave thread now because of anxiety stuff

25 hours remain.


/vote Gorta @Wazza @CRichard564
I don’t see my vote ending up anywhere else today, for totally obscure reasons

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With Nightingale voting Gorta and votes being locked, the game comes to a close. History has been changed forever.

an_gorta has been executed! They were:

And with that, the game comes to a close. Communism is victorious!

Congratulations @Whysper @astand @Arctic @min @Vulgard and @Centuries!


LOL PogChamp YOU DIED PogChamp

i forgot i was in this game after dying n1
all major countries died n1 or d1 :wowee:

Wait it was whysper wtf

> neutral killer kills 4/6 wolves
> town still loses


kyo bled me and I didn’t claim it LUL



communism is the way

NKs are not the way


ez vig claim


Okay that’s gamer