Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

It’s almost like… I didn’t go around saying “I liked this individual post, I liked that” and pointed out things that popped out to me as… scummy? Once again, these were not reads.

You really are grasping here, huh? I’m saying that it’s not a fucking concrete read. We’re 725 posts into this game, I’m not about to disregard a slot as scum because of one scummy thing.

Once again, these are not full reads. But, yes, you are correct in that I’m SL’ing you… mochtest du ein Keks?

I’m seeing something wrong with this post, so if you want to explain to me what it means before I start to confbias myself, that would be lovely.

Noting that AT came in and commented on Me v Cent, but didn’t really follow up on it.

Mist is looking much better than in RotK.

@astand once again, it was not a readspost.

Can I get some reasoning for this? Because this looks mighty poor from my PoV

@dota How do you plan to determine who’s town (for this game specifically)?

Accused Voters Count
Leafia Solic, Centuries, min, AtNoName 4/13
clonedcheese TrustworthyLiberal, EliThePsycho 2/13
Light astand, sculptordwarf 2/13
Mistyx clonedcheese 1/13
Centuries Leafia 1/13
ElithePsycho Mistyx 1/13
Not voted Vulgard, Ami, Dota, PKR, Light, WindwardAway, ArcticXI, Majora, an_gorta_pratai, Eevee, rat, KyoDaz, YouButWorse 13

there’s a lot of townies who do 0 solving
good luck not getting those dead

i interpreted your message as “how town are you, chemist”

I agree with Astand so I follow them

Imma let other people do the heavy lifting

Good to know, though.

anything but content
can’t really specify but i got my point across

What’s the point of making a case when others are already doing it

Because the case has a single piece of faulty reasoning, mayhaps?

Theoretically shouldn’t be the case. And I didn’t say that people should be read based on quantity.

If a lot of town 0 solves, they just lose :man_shrugging:


But others are already doing it so I don’t really need to try to but in and push you as well

How dare you expect normal sleep from anyone here

Poke @EliThePsycho do something that’s not “oh self-meta”

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This just sounds to me like an excuse for sheeping.

Why is sheeping a bad thing tho

well we got 24 people so it’ll be fine

Tbh dwarf’s sheeping is so blatant and naked that it isn’t really scum AI I think.

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Of course I’m not entirely sold either nothing is set in stone this early but I didn’t see what cheese was acting like as scummy

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I’m sheeping because I think Astand is town and I agree with the read

Theirs no point in taking the time to make a case that’s already basically been said

Because the entire way I read people is through their interactions and progression in their reads. When I have something like this, it’s simply… bleh. Never mind the potential of pocketing. If you’re not going to put in much effort to solve, at the very least you should try to clear yourself so you’re not a complete deadweight.