Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

i think that’s because i’m a shitposter
and this seems like the perfect community for a shitposter

i also play mafia and town almost exactly the same
i just tend to have some random quirk when playing as mafia
whether i’m amusing or not isn’t for me to decide


windwardaway (liked her catchup post enough to just put her here right off the bat, i don’t see a notable enough difference between this and her last game, where she was town, to declare her mafia. i think it’d be more visible if her alignment was different this time around)



leafia (not because of anything she actually did but because of min and at’s votes on her)



majora (unlike rat and maybe sculptordwarf, this gimmick feels wolfy because the player is shielding themselves from having to delve in and provide opinions they need to stand by later. their posts have been rather non-committal and they actively avoided voicing takes on the game in favor of the gimmick, which is a huge negative point for me)


an_gorta_pratai (i might be tunneled but all of his takes so far have looked like tmi to me, especially the first two takes of the game. the way he posted about two people there instantly made me believe he was tming them as villagers and after re-reading the post several times i keep reaching the same conclusion)
light (i mostly just agree with centuries/astand so far)
min (said a lot of stuff about min already and i stand by it.)

these shouldn’t look like half and half so i’m most likely scumreading several villagers but that’s what i have so far
will be back at some point later probably

you’ve found the right place

i’m so glad to find people with a similar mindset

Yeah hehe can be really chill here sometimes why I stuck around so long and cause I think I’ve met some great people and friends.

Dotas been calm which is good.
And Vulgard town lean agree with a fair amount of their posts most specially that PKR’s early read despite me agreeing felt serif at the time.

okay leaving thread for now

Have fun :wave:
Gonna go back to anime

Don’t worry, I have more stuff coming, but I know how to read Cents pretty decently, Leafia and Eevee are people I need to learn how to read and I don’t like the vibes I get from eevee. I don’t hand out definite scum or town reads d1 unless I look into their ISO and find them towny.

At that time people were focusing on Leafia and I want to learn how to read eevee

okay sure
do you have any takes on eevee so far or does your take on eevee boil down to “they are a player in this game”

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cloned is very cheeky about his posts and votes this game, but also posts this
and like
i would townread him for presenting an attitude of not really giving a damn
but at the same time, he’s not even really trying to make reads, and yet complains when he gets voted, which comes across as more conscious about his position than he should be given his presented attitude
it’s like he doesn’t really know what to do in the thread so he random votes and tries not to die
i currently interpret it as an attempt to survive the threadflow after pressure

at the moment no, but the reason those lonewolf jokes pinged me is that it’s certainly not out of Eevee’s range to jokingly claim lone wolf as the lone wolf. I also don’t trust those jokes after Katze did that in RM4 and Cents has done it on several occasions. It’s just an initial ping and I will have something more conclusive when I try to read Eevee

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I was asking atn why he voted bruh I can’t form an opinion on someone else’s opinion

Tell me where I said he was town. I said I liked his post. Bruh.

I don’t personally have a read on him but I don’t understand why he has a wagon because he’s barely spoken.

Lol why did you not include like a huge amount of my posts where I actually solve


If you’re gonna read me maybe?? maybe don’t purposely take the “worst” posts I have and use them to SR me?



Look another thought

The whole post which you cut out for some reason where I explained my mindmeld

I have stated why I didn’t like leafia in the chat before. Don’t take me out of context

Wow another read you missed somehow


I genuinely dislike how you’re saying I am acting only shitposty but not solving when

  1. Shitposting no matter the amount isn’t ai for me

  2. I’ve solved but you’re saying I’m not

because i barely found any
that’s it that’s the whole explanation
and i read your iso too

vig should probably shoot there if that continues
shooting a lost wolf claimer is never a bad idea in my book unless they do something that isn’t a lost wolf claim
also it’s eevee

Well, damn. Vul just casually entering into thread and posting like that.
I know I should not read someone for content but that is an epic entrance and I think it comes from T!Vul.

Vul has the capacity to do this as scum, as I know he is a seasoned player. However, it was completely unprompted and came so naturally… it is only D1 and not even near the end of it.

I know a joke has been before that “wallposts = lock town” but I unironically think that is the case here just due to Vul moving quickly to post analysis and then following it up naturally with some reads.

I feel like potentially considering all of the reads he has said that he might be acting a little bit too contrarian if this is theatre, which is what is causing me to think he could potentially be scum trying to stand out and warrant a townlean but I think this is the less likely situation, at this time.

Well you didn’t read my iso good because you skipped every good post I had

your iso was not based enough for me